Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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G'day blokes. Question. What is the best way to get one of those rounds with a termite hole up the butt burning with the jet flame thing going without the whole round going up?
Search 'Swedish Candle'. Noodles or kindling. Make sure you have a side hole for air, if made from a solid round, instead of several splits wired together.

Had a pleasant surprise yesterday I usually get Stihl stuff from the local dealer which i go past on the way to work. I dropped in the other day to get some chains and and get a price on a 36” es light bar. They didn’t have the chain I needed in stock and are now charging above retail price. So I said “no thank you”. This dealer is part of a chain and they keep changing staff so never get to know them. The place is really neat and tidy with not much stuff in there.
So yesterday I had to go a bit out of my way to shop for some camping gear so I dropped into another dealer, it’s only 15 mins from my house but I don’t usually go that way. Any way this is one of those old school mower shops that’s been there for years, they have heaps of stock crowded into the shop. I ask for a price on RS chains and it 32% below retail. The guy that gave me the price is the owner. I was under the assumption that Stihl dealers just charge retail and that’s that But clearly I was wrong. Anyway when I go to pick up the chains I be paying cash and say don’t bother with a receipt.
G'day blokes. Question. What is the best way to get one of those rounds with a termite hole up the butt burning with the jet flame thing going without the whole round going up? Some noodles stuffed in the top with a little accelerant? Something else?
I use a couple pieces of charcoal in the hole to get things going. If the hole is straight through the center, I set the round on 3 stones to let air up in. The round eventually goes up but usually takes a while. We cook on them.

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You guys remember the bundle of chains I bought a couple weeks ago for $8. Finally got a chance to sort them. Pretty happy with what I found:

7 new/close to new
9 useable but approaching EOL
2 odd DL count
3 broken

All except the two were 60DL which is my most common 3/8 chain. And mostly .050 too.

If anyone wants any near EOL full chisel chains to turn into race chains or for practice let me know. Between these and the bundles I got this spring I have lots.
The site sure is quiet today.

My neighbor offered me a couple cords of aspen and if I buck it he’ll haul it right to the driveway. Can’t turn that down but still too hot and humid to mess with it.

Looking at 10” tall grass and a pile of saws that aren’t going to fix themselves. But today is a day of rest. I’ve gone several weeks without a day off from work, rental work, volunteering, helping friends and one family party that meant 7 hours in the car. Today we rest at the cabin. Tomorrow I’ll mow and putz with saws.
I'm looking for ideas on contraptions to help me load the big chunks of hardwood firewood into my trailer. My trailer is only a 5' x 8' single axle trailer with a 2" (?) angle iron frame and 1" angle iron side frame. I can lift probable 80# myself but when the rounds get up to 24", I have to noodle them. That's fine, and I've done that before, when it's cool out, but now in this heat, I just want to load my trailer and go home. Once home I just roll them onto my rock driveway, noodle and split them there at my convenience. A half hour or so at a time.

I'm looking for something simple and bolt together. I have plenty of unistrut that I thought I could use. Since I'm only loading rounds I don't need a log arch. Only looking to lift up to 120# (guess). Something I could bolt to my trailer once at the log yard. And I don't want to only support it by the top frame of the side rails and eventually destroy them. Also it would be human powered; something that works quickly. My basic idea is a long beam that straps to the round and then is lifted and then swung into the trailer. There would be a fulcrum (pivot) point on the beam. I'm guessing it would have to be mounted to one side. and that's as far as I get with ideas. Hope I've been clear.

any thoughts?

Edit: Something like his.