I'm looking for ideas on contraptions to help me load the big chunks of hardwood firewood into my trailer. My trailer is only a 5' x 8' single axle trailer with a 2" (?) angle iron frame and 1" angle iron side frame. I can lift probable 80# myself but when the rounds get up to 24", I have to noodle them. That's fine, and I've done that before, when it's cool out, but now in this heat, I just want to load my trailer and go home. Once home I just roll them onto my rock driveway, noodle and split them there at my convenience. A half hour or so at a time.
I'm looking for something simple and bolt together. I have plenty of unistrut that I thought I could use. Since I'm only loading rounds I don't need a log arch. Only looking to lift up to 120# (guess). Something I could bolt to my trailer once at the log yard. And I don't want to only support it by the top frame of the side rails and eventually destroy them. Also it would be human powered; something that works quickly. My basic idea is a long beam that straps to the round and then is lifted and then swung into the trailer. There would be a fulcrum (pivot) point on the beam. I'm guessing it would have to be mounted to one side. and that's as far as I get with ideas. Hope I've been clear.
any thoughts?
Edit: Something like his.
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