Hows everyones wood pile doing? I know mine is taking it rough. I got my snowmobile all fixed up and moved about 1-2 face cord of wood yesterday. The only thing I have left is burried under snow on top of my log pile. Fall last year I wasnt too sure I had enough wood CSS so I cut, split a piled some and left it on my logs as a backup. Well, time has come and I need it.
Last years cold weather was all the talk and had buzz words like "polar vortex". WTH are they calling it this year? This month is on track to break records. Coldest month @ 9*F (average) which beats the 12*F record from 1934. This is the 3rd snowiest February ever, the record was 72.6" in 1958. Highest day time temp this month was 32*F and coldest was 17*F.
Syracuse or Boston: Which city has had it worse?
There has been lots of talk of the harsh weather in Boston. So I did some comparing Boston to Syracuse for this February, 2015 to see which city has had it worse.
Boston has had 62.6" with little more expected this final week. Syracuse so far 54.5", but has several more inches coming, this could close the gap. We'll give the win to Boston for this for now.
Here's the facts you may not have heard by the national media and why our weather has been worse:
Boston's average temperature has been almost double that of Syracuse this February, 18.2° versus 9.3°.
Coldest temperatures: -3° Boston, -17° Syracuse.
Warmest temps: 38° Boston, 32° Syracuse.
Days above 32°: 19 Boston, 0 Syracuse.
Days below 0°: 2 Boston, 11 Syracuse.
Greatest snowfall for Boston in a month yes, with plenty of melting of snow due to the temperatures. Top 3 February snowfall for Syracuse (could go to #2) with likely our coldest month ever recorded.
Granted, Central New York knows how to handle excessive snow much better, from commuting to work by average Joe to clearing the streets by our DPW. What a month for both cities and it's not over yet! Who's ready for Spring?
EDIT TO ADD: Syracuse snow total for season 101.3" compared to 99.9" for Boston (Thanks to my wife for reminding me, she HATES this winter)