Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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It will be so nice to see this again. 3 straight winters of 100"+ snowfall. With the late spring snow melt it makes it twice as hard to get the wood out, then c/s/s in time to get maximum drying time. I love a good challenge!!:)
Yup, I'll be happy to see the snow go , I've got logs buried under snow, the tractor and trailer are buried as well , I don't remember a spring like this and snow coming for Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday :(
It better quit soon , I want 10 cord ready for next winter with 5 found the next ...
Best scrounge I've had BY A MILE this week. Responded to a cl ad about some trees in my town a few weeks ago and never heard anything. Got a cryptic text yesterday asking if i still wanted the wood so of course i said yes. Guy says he has 5 - 6" oaks down. Turns out they were 5 - 20" to 26" oak. My dad and i made 7 trips with the pickup so far. Maybe 5 more to go. Can wait to split it ip (all nice and straight) and see what it stacks out to.uploadfromtaptalk1426216582584.jpguploadfromtaptalk1426216685943.jpg
It will be so nice to see this again. 3 straight winters of 100"+ snowfall. With the late spring snow melt it makes it twice as hard to get the wood out, then c/s/s in time to get maximum drying time. I love a good challenge!!:)

You getting this stuff for next winter? Does it usually dry in time when you get it so late?
I split all the boxelder, pine, ash, maple, elm etc. Between November and February. About 2/3 was laying or hung up dead on my land (new house). I hit most with the mm after splitting and almost all was mid to low 20 % range already. Shouldnt need this oak until at least 16/17 and hopefully even a year later.
And just realized that wasnt directed at me.... still learning on posting to forums. Always just lurked before. Woops.

lol. No worries. What part of the country are you from? How many years ahead will 20 cords put you? I'm trying to get at least 3 years ahead. I'm finding out that will be a lot of work.
Minnesota. Not sure since we only had a cord this year but trying to heat 3800 feet two story thats well insulated with a bk and tbd second stove and dad heats his 800 foot apartment with a englander as well so guessing well use 5 to 8. Having no clue is part of the thinking behind the 20 cord goal. Its a ton of work so far but cheaper than the ymca and more fulfilling than watching tv.
Ambull, I was just showing what the "bare ground" looks like. It was hard to do from memory, it's been so long! lol I still have quite a few red oak down from when my neighbor cut across the property lines and left them, realizing his mistake. They have been down for 3 years now. Most have been off the ground, held up by the tops or landing on other trees. I hauled some out last summer, c/s/s 'em, and they were dry by fall. Burned them all winter and they threw out some good heat. As you can see, a lot of the bark has already fallen off, and it only took one summer to be dry enough to burn.
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lol. No worries. What part of the country are you from? How many years ahead will 20 cords put you? I'm trying to get at least 3 years ahead. I'm finding out that will be a lot of work.

Yes, lot's of work. But don't necessarily think in terms of getting there all in one cutting season. If you can gain one year at a time it's not too big a deal. I've been at that 3 year level for several years now, and once you get ahead it's easy to stay there. Just need to cut a single years worth each year to maintain the supply.
No such think as too much wood. After almost running out last winter. I got an amazing scrounge last year to cut up tops from a guy that had his 10 acres logged. In addition I had to cut down 3 trees of my own so I could build my shed. I didn't realize it at the time since I was just a scrounging fool for about 2 months. But I ended up almost three years ahead. I hopefully the scrounging gods will be as generous this year and I can find some awesome scrounges to at least make up what I used last year.

I have also broached the new chainsaw subject with the wife. I told her if I can sell this drum set I have in the basement that I am going to buy a new chainsaw. She went hmmm I don't know. I said the alternative is another deer rifle. I thought that would help but instead I got the you may get more use out of the rifle. But that isn't true. I rifle hunt for two weeks a year and maybe shoot my rifles 3 times a year because reloading components are so hard to find. So I think I almost sold the new saw idea. Now I need to get this drum set sold to see if this has any traction.
If you are willing to turn your drum set into the cash to buy a saw, then it's not affecting the household finances at all. Don't understand why the wife should have any say or involvement in that deal.

Of course that mindset is a large part of my being single and it may be wise for you to ignor my opinion. :)
Hehe....I have to agree with that. I'm only married since July (second time), but we've kept our monies separate. I don't tell her what to do with hers and the same works in reverse. When I joined AS, I had a ms271 as a single saw plan also but knew that I needed a second saw. It almost seems mandatory in my head if you cut alone. Now 5 months later, I read Mustang Mike's sig line and I just laugh because I've added three more runners and a box of three 026/260's that I'm trying to rebuild into one solid runner and then see what's left to make a second one. AS Sucks! :D:happy::ices_rofl: