Warning !!!! Thread Derail !!!!
So , I've been in the "deal with people and general public" business my entire working life and have seen and dealt with plenty along the way including some "Never seen that before" or "Never had that happen before" or "Wasn't expecting that" etc ....... Well ...
We've got 3 buildings in our complex , my shop , a bike shop and a car detailing shop , the detail shop also cleans buses on Saturday and Sunday , it doesn't affect me and I try to be the good neighbour by keeping my front parking spots open on the weekend so the buses can come and go .
Space has been tight lately because of the snow this year but , that's Nature .
This Sunday , Abdul , the detail shop owner comes to work and finds 2 Towncars parked on my side of the lot ,most likely because of snow ,,,,, He goes ballistic , goes back in his shop , comes out with a quart of red enamel paint and pours it all over the 2 cars ...... What a schitt show , very unhappy limo drivers , very pizzed off property manager , RCMP involved , he denied everything , but ,,,,,, there's a witness , and she won't lie when asked LOL
I've helped him out when he was in a jam , broke something or needed to find something , now he's persona non grata in my shop , no use for him ,it could very well have been my customers cars in the space that I pay rent on .
And , if they were my customers cars , how would I have explained the burning car the belongs to Abdul in a parking spot that I don't rent to the RCMP this morning LOL
What a schitt head .
Back to scrounging now LOL
Marshy , from what I know , trees in Europe are at a premium and they do burn mainly smaller wood that most of us are used to burning , even here in Nova Scotia with our small land mass and slow growth we are seeing smaller and smaller wood as the years go by , settlers landed here first and started cutting here working their way west , it sure would have been nice if it would have been the other way LOL
We also have suffered "Cut the best , leave the rest" forestry practices for centuries so you know what that leaves behind . While we still enjoy some large trees our woods are heading in a Eurowood direction , almost everything I've scrounged , cut and burnt over the last 3 years was cut with an 026 and probably 8" average , while we do have some larger stands of wood most of it goes to sawmills , pellet mills or overseas so I see myself looking at some of the Euro ways to see if it fits with what I have at my disposal , some of it does sadly but I'm sure happy to drag out the 066 our the 2100 for those rare occasions
As far as the gimmicky stuff ... I enjoy finding some of it just for WTF factor LOL
Besides , don't we all need the latest IPhone 7xxxxxxxx ?????
Scrounge on gentleman , big or small , chicken tractors included