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urgh ticks I hate the things. I haven't had any attach but I have had more than a few that I caught crawling on me. Creeps me out for days. I usually pick them up during hunting season. Spring turkey and bow/rifle hunting here are the worst. Opening day of rifle last year I had one crawling on my hand and the other one crawled across the screen on my phone while I was browsing the web in the deer woods.
I think everyone hates those things. Those bastards love me. Mosquitoes too. I am a freaking tick and mosquito magnet. I'll go walking with co-workers during lunch just to stretch my legs and give my heart some exercise. This past summer I would routinely come back to find a little nasty tick crawling on my socks. This coming tick season I'm going to go all out on permethrin. Read the U.S. military did some tests to find the most effective mosquito and tick prevention. Supposedly permethrin and DEET provides close to 100% protection. The permethrin sounds great because it actually kills the bastards and stays active on your clothes up to two weeks. DEET concentration of around 50% seems to be the best bet and anything more does not provide increased protection. I'll test both out soon.