Yep, the load of rounds is all pine. Good for shoulder season and for getting the fire going again after I let it go too long. Like last night. Got lazy and just went to bed instead of doing the evening fill. With temps in the teens there was just ashes and a few coals so I just emptied the ashes (into the wheelbarrow) and started over. The house was still up to temp so no one was the wiser.You're right, somebody needs to do something around here.
Is that pine, you'll burn your house down, even though it's 75' away from the OWB
I'm heading out soon to do something, just waiting for it to warm up a bit more.
I'm Steve and to everyone outside of here I'm probably a firewood nerd. I usually scrounge enough to stay ahead of the ~9 cord I burn in the OWB I built about 12 years ago. This year I lucked into 23 dump trailer loads delivered for free by a local tree service. I typically use the wheelbarrow to move processed wood from my driveway area to the stacks so I don't tear the yard up too bad. And it's my exercise/therapy. Just a dusting of snow today so it's easy to push through.Still getting to know everyone here, but your wheelbarrow has more miles on it than my ATV trailer.
Pushing through the snow - God bless you man!
At least those gloves are safer than pineBrufab, here's the inside of mine. Every couple of weeks I throw my used up gloves in it just to make my wife happy. She always whines when I keep them until they are rags.
Here's a live shot tonight after loading it. I'm not going out at 3:00am to get a pic fully engulfed in flame like your pic, but I do see it looking much like that on occasion.This is what I picture the inside of the owb looking like. View attachment 973114
Yeah, that's my old girl out in Moab. She's a '92 with an AMC 2.5L mated to a SM420 granny low transmission via a Chevy 2.8L V6 bellhousing. The T-Case is a JB Conversions 231HD, Detroit locker'd front Ford HP axle and a spool in the rear Dana. She's been a solid trail rig since retiring from street duty in 1999. I'm currently working on a mild '87 Wrangler too, restoring a '55 CJ5 and have a bunch of tube and parts for a buggy that needs more time than I have. I also have a 1975 Bronco 302 with a 3 on-the-treeIt's that your YJ on Hell's Gate? I'm also a Jeep enthusiast, so it's not just firewood ALL the time.
I will put it up on some small logs. It should keep for a couple years.Just get it off the ground and where it can stay dry/low humidity as it will rot.
That's awesome he's interested. I agree on milling the nicer ones, especially if you have a nice supply of wood/woods available to cut down the road.
I plan on getting out my little ms200 rear handle today and maybe the ported 359. I have the top of one locust I dropped into the edge of the woods I need to pull out and clean up, and a larger BL branch that broke off in the wind a while ago that can be seen from the house. Then I may drop another dead standing BL into the opening I just cleared to help fill the woodshed. If that all goes well I have another BL down out behind the house in a section of the woods I'd like to get cleaned up before the ground thaws this week. The good thing is we will have more light tonight, the bad thing is that we have our church meeting tonight lol. It's currently snowing here, but I'll get out in the next couple hrs.
Have a great day.
Sorry to hear that about your friends Mike. Thanks for the safety reminder. When I'm running saws, felling trees or splitting wood I always tell myself this could hurt me or worse. I also think of my wife and kids. Healthy fear/respect is a good thing.Got 2 pieces of bad news today.
1) The local pro firewood guy (I fix his saws and have sold him a couple) passed away. Real nice guy, but did not take care of himself. Was only in his 50s and very overweight. It is a shame, I will miss him, was always a pleasant guy to deal with.
2) The son of my Tree guy friend (who just graduated from HS and works for his Dad) lost the fingertip on his index finger to the log splitter. Be careful out there everyone! The saws and splitters can be very dangerous.
Another month and a couple of days and tax season will end and I can play with saws again! Been very busy this year, and I'm starting to slow down! Just don't have the drive to keep working till 11 or 12 at night any more!
That would probably keep it well for a good while.I will put it up on some small logs. It should keep for a couple years.
I hope he follows through, it would be a good experience.
Did you get out and run the saws today? I wish we had black locust around here like you do. I'd like to get my hands on some and give it a try.
I dropped another ash today, it was a pretty big one. I think I'll get this one milled.View attachment 973137
My filing has improved. It's a Carlton semi-chisel skip chain. It's not smooth on the less than 12" stuff but above that it works nice. Here's a pic of the chips
View attachment 973138
I started my post earlier in the day and then finished it later. That's why I missed your posts about cutting trees.That would probably keep it well for a good while.
Yes, and more time for the two of you.
I did, ran the ms200 rear handle and a 2018 550mk1. I made a post above on this page.
Looks to me that there are plenty of BL in Wisconson, once you find them, you see them everywhere.
Nice job, I bet that's a tough splitting tree if it were cut into firewood, should make some real nice boards.
Those chips look good for the temps. Have you ever tried an 8 pin sprocket and a little higher rakers, it may smooth out a bit on the smaller stuff. Another option is a little less hook, but not seeing your chain up close it'd hard to tell for sure, but tuning the chain to the wood typically will smooth them out.
Hope it didn't do too much damage. Doesn't look too bad in the pics.View attachment 973215View attachment 973216I told you all the pines in PA will try to kill you. This one tried to take down my garage yesterday, no fire needed.
Take that tree to Lowes, or Home Depot,, there must be over a $1,000 worth of 2X4's in that tree,,,,,,,,,,,,View attachment 973215I told you all the pines in PA will try to kill you. This one tried to take down my garage yesterday, no fire needed.
Bummer.View attachment 973215View attachment 973216I told you all the pines in PA will try to kill you. This one tried to take down my garage yesterday, no fire needed.
We have a SIGNIFICANT power sub-station a few miles from where I live.Bummer.
Was the ground just saturated and the snow/wind took it out.
I'd be taking out those polar over there too, before they get any bigger, a few yrs from now they'll be breaking out tops or big branches when you get ice.
We tried to warn everyone about pine, but they wouldn't listen lol.