Piss revver
I like it, puts out a lot of heat. It's pretty deep, so large rounds are easy to put in it. If I throw in there, it'll keep a bed of coals well into the morning.One of the guys from the church has the same unit, we were talking about it last night just a few hrs before you posted that lol.
He said he puts some quite large rounds in there for overnights and when they are leaving for a bit.
He just had a chimney fire about a month ago. The neighbor stopped over to tell him and had called the fire dept, my buddy tossed a road flare in the stove to extinguish it, it was out by the time the FD arrived. He's over 80, just had 100 trees harvested off his land this winter and he's cutting all the tops. He runs a battery saw, a husky 61, and a dolmar 7900, and just picked up an efco 62cc(not sure what model), great guy
This time of year, I just get a fire going for a couple hours and then let it burn out. Any more than that and it's like Miami in my house lol. When we're in the middle of a snow storm and it's cold outside, it's burning for days at a time.