What are you putting in that PT-22?? LOL
The MP5 and MP5K that I shot were ridiculously easy to shoot and make tight groups with even on full mag dumps... Ed Suter came up to me and said "That's good gun control."

They were Sandy Froman's guns. (Ma Deuce, former President of the NRA). David Kopel and Don Kates were there shooting with us too. A suppressed Sterling was a goof... I don't recall the rounds we were shooting but the gun was silent even with no muffs. I suspect they were sub-sonic. You'd hear the main spring bouncing around inside the gun and that was it! UZI... interesting gun but if push came to shove I'd rather have an MP5.
I really like the Thompson for it's nostalgic look, feel, and sound. One evening the sun was coming in low over our left shoulders and you could watch the .45s fly through the air almost like tracers. A couple guys I shot with while working in Williamsburg, VA had them. Tree removal on that range started with a small muzzle loading cannon.

Sten... I had a bad habit of loosing a round inside the gun. LOL I didn't shoot it enough to figure out what I was doing to cause that problem... George had his CAR M16 there and Jon later got a belt fed Browning.
I was at Numrich Arms's retail store one time (long closed) and a dealer from PA was there. He had Class III stuff with him. Grease Gun, German MP40 and a BAR. I shot them all. The sub-guns weren't much different to shoot than any other sub-gun I'd shot. The BAR was a different story... full auto '30-06 off the bi-pod was very cool and got everyone's attention at Gun Parts.

After the Moonies bought the Auto Ordinance brand they apparently didn't have as much shooting going on there... They farmed some parts out to local machine shops and those jobs disappeared too.
If I think of it I'll look around for photos and scan them... no smart phones in those days!