Well said Chipper!

Well said indeed! Now, I Am as Stihl guy and a faithful one. I started running Stihl's 25+ years ago and Stihl running them today! However not a snob about it. I do realize that Huskies are great saws! I'm a Stihl guy because that's all I've ever run. With the exception of course of my first "Pro Felling Saw." An old ported 288XP and let me tell ya what! That saw had a set of stones on it I'll tell ya! Awsome Power and unbelievably fast throttle response!

I sold it when I left the Dark Empire and joined Stihl and the rebel forces! This was in 98 that I sold that 288. And unbelievably, it found its way back to me a year ago! And Stihl running!!! It must be destiny.

I'll save that story for another day!
Now what we have here is a good example of Stihl's pro line up! Some newer and and some older. All 50cc to 120cc. A 260, 360, 046, 660, and last but certainly not least the 088! Then we have the Lone Vagabond Nomad! 288XP with her sawed off spruce limb for a pull cord handle and stripped out bolt holes for the plastic shroud. Now I mean they are stripped out beonde repair!!! However, I Stihl run her every now and then. But only in the winter time on the coldest of coldest days god bless her heart! She actually Stihl dose alright

too! At least....
...for a Husky!

View attachment 994445So I'm definitely not a Stihl snob. I actually like them both but just prefer Stihl. But one saw you'll never see in my arsenal is one of them thar Poulan's! Last time I ran one of them. I had to keep Poulan and Poulan and Poulan and Poulan! Just to get it started!!!

Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!