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They're Back.............
Pulled a DOG tick off of the cat today, Kitty was not happy.
Puppy gets the expensive back of the neck treatment.
Been trying to get the son's GF to do a full body tick inspection on me, but no luck so far.
Winter is not giving up, got a fire going.
Burning lot of pine and chunks and other uglies, saving the good wood for next winter.
Will try for about ten cord just to be on the safe side. That's a row 4x4 eighty feet long.
Where will I put it? Maybe 4x8 forty feet long is better. can find room for that.
Speaking of ticks, do their bodies all swell up when full with blood? I've only seen dog ticks do that. Interesting
20 minutes with the bow saw.
Like to get out and get a little fresh air when the sun comes up. Sometimes a bike ride on the reservoir, but usually a little woods time. Most often I do some hand splitting, but once in a while I grab my 30" bow saw and do some quiet morning scrounging. (we're talking 6 to 7 am, when even I don't want to hear a saw run.). Would do this more often years ago when the wood supply was uncertain, and I wouldn't let anything go to waste. Most would get cut with a chainsaw, but I always enjoyed going out and cutting a wheel barrow of this stuff by hand. There's tons of this stuff lying all over the woods; just have to go a grab it. Burns good and hot and for early and late season fires, a wheel barrow like that is good for a couple nice evening fires.
Holy hell, I hope the Hearth guys never see this. Combustibles way too close to the stove! lol.
I've read about the Quadra-Fire. Supposed to put out a massive amount of heat and likes to heat up quick right? I can't wait for my real stove to arrive.