Im glad the company I work for supplies saw gas and bar oil. At 2 to 2.5 gallons of gas and a gallon of bar oil a day. It would ad up fast with today's fuel prices. There are three of us hand felling for this company. As well as two Tiger Cat feller bunchers and two John Deer 300 series dangle head processors. We work six days a week and the three of us Stihl burn a 55 gallon drum of saw gas every week.

Before Bunchers and Processors started coming into the picture 25 years ago out here. We had 16 timber cutters on the falling crew and five to seven knot bumpers and buckers between the log landing's and sorting/bundling yard, and we Stihl didn't produce as much wood as two of today's state of the art Bunchers and two state of the art Processors! Therefore, Im very fortunate

to have a position as a hand cutter on this logging crew regardless of the dangers involved!

All I can do keep my nose to the grindstone, keep my head up, work hard, and also...
...Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!
Good night guys. 4:00 AM comes early! One of these days I'll have time to kick back on a day off and chat it up with you guys! I'll try to post some good 'ol Alaska felling and logging pics for yall ASAP!