I had a knock at the door yesterday evening, wasn't expecting anyone so immediately thought it's likely someone who will ask, 'do you want that wood?' and glance sheepishly at the remaining Oak out the front of the house. Now what's left there after my heroic 60 + wheel barrow marathon, is about a third of a cube of the most horrible big crotches and huge 'risk a hernia or slipped disk just to look at them' bits. I need to get the big saw out to chunk them up a bit before they go in the barrow to the back. So as I walked to the door I was considering saying, ' no you can have it if you like.'. However recognising that would lead to scrounge membership revocation I thought maybe...'I'll sell it, yours for £20'..... But no. I open the door and the guy starts as I expected, ' hi I pass by lots and see you've always got loads of wood....'. Go on I think..... And then there's an unexpected twist....'I've just taken down a load of Leylandii, it's all cut up into short bits, would you like it?'

When I regained my voice, I had to thank him for thinking of me but pass! I've no room! I am full. My wife would have ripped my balls off if I'd done different.... Scrounge card tendered for surrender

I remember my brother's advice when starting to scrounge.... Be prepared for feast and famine, never turn wood down because you 'have enough'. Well this summer has been feast. Actually it's been over doing it somewhat but with our gas prices expected to rise another 75%. (yes, 75%, on top of the almost doubling we've already seen in the last year) I'm glad I've wood and wood stoves. It's financially sensible even when on the mains now.