Piss revver
Thanks, aside from having the shop right underneath it, that was actually an example of an easy tree to climb. The really skinny trees aren't much to gaff into and your flipline can slip on them...the larger trees require better flip line technique to advance the line up the tree. Also pine is an easy species to climb, it's easy to set your spurs into them. Cedar and Redwood have bark so thick that you're sometimes just gaffed into bark. The bark also starts to collect and foul up your spurs.Impressive to say the least and hats off to ya!I've always wanted to learn how to piece and climb, but my job is so focused on working entire strips and groves from the ground that I never had the opportunity or time to learn anything from a climber.
Well, the Feller Buncher is broke down again boys! So its the three of us cutter's on the crew going balls to the walls on the saw until its fixed!Came close to clubbing the hell out of myself yesterday morning! Had to take a breather and convince myself to slow down a little and pay more attention!
Time to go to work. Talk to you fellas later.
Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware
I've got friends that are gyppo loggers out on the coast. They still occasionally climb redwoods, although it's usually because they're harvesting trees near structures/other hazards. The olden days it was to rig old growth trees. The ground is so bad there, they usually aren't in's just wherever you can fit the tree w/o busting it.
Yeah, sometimes you gotta slow down to go fast. I sometimes start to rush things and that's when I start making mistakes. Or with climbing, I get tired and start taking bigger pieces or taking shortcuts.
I know, I'm going to try and find a new 28" Stihl light today. I'm doing some more sidework on a thinning project and would like to get another 28" to run on my little 400. It's mostly cutting small trees/large shrubs with the occasional dead/defect tree. My 28" bar is on my saw at my real work.Where can I find some light weight 32" bars?!?! Anyone please!!! I'll all but sell my soul for a couple. Any Maker will work!!!