Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I have a Stevens 325 here that I used for years up in northern Mi. Bolt action in .30 .30 which all I ever see is levers. Thing is a tack driver was made from surplus machine gun barrels from the war. It still has a government stamped star on the barrel. I've taken down quite a few deer with it over the years with it. It was given to me by my grandfather and I drilled and tapped it for a side mount scope. I've always used Winchester silver tip and all the deer I ever shot with it dropped right in a pile. Its been a safe queen for a long while now though because I don't get up there during deer season as much since my wife's health. I mainly use a muzzleloader down here in southern Mi I've got a couple with that also.
Silver tips are quality rounds at a very fair price point . ;)
Scroungers out back.
Any of the three would be an easy shot. But all I took out today was a woodchuck with the. 17HMR and a huge 17gr ballistic tipped round 😆.
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All grass fed, I bet barbequed woodchuck would be awesome!
Do they still make silvertips?? I remember my Uncle Bob shooting those in his .32 Win. spec.
North here there still on the shelves , something about Uncles LF . They always had the coolest firearms . My Uncle also had a Marlin Octagon barrel 1892 chambered in 32 Special . He used it for killing coyotes out in the cow pastures . Couldn't pry it away from him in a Hurricane . Cool old dude , miss him dearly !

North here there still on the shelves , something about Uncles LF . They always had the coolest firearms . My Uncle also had a Marlin Octagon barrel 1892 chambered in 32 Special . He used it for killing coyotes out in the cow pastures . Couldn't pry it away from him in a Hurricane . Cool old dude , miss him dearly !
How far North??
Yup. People who are normally “immune” to stings get to where the body is overloaded and then…what happened here. The body develops a tolerance…to a point. When that point is reached…

anyone who works where this is a possible issue should have several up to date Epipens handy. This, imo, should be mandatory.
Yep , very good point on the epipen brother ! I remember my 1st experience of Dad's not always being right during my 15th yr. We were installing a new pump on the farm 300 ' from the homestead down a 30 ' hilly knoll . Dad was busy piping up the footvalve , when he noticed me preoccupied with a small wasp nest under the far eve of the 4'×8' pump house . He loudly exclaimed don't bother them & they won't bother you boy ! . Pass my the other pipe wrench , & pipe dope . Suddenly a wasp circles by & stings me on the forehead . Dad states far from the heart , put some cold spring water on this rag , hold it on your forehead . A few minutes later he turns around & stares at me & yells get on the tractor . Apparently both my eyes were closing up . Back to the house we drove in high gear , fastest that old ford ever ran lol . 2 antihistamine & a call to the doc . I had hives all over my body when the doc showed up a hr later , gave me a further shot & prescription for 3 days . I got stung again last yr on the Dynaglide , small critter for a wasp , down my shirt one sting by my left chest & two silver dollar hives developed on my left arm 3 hrs later . A antihistamine & dab of calamine lotion on the hives solved my current issue . Picked up 2 epipens the next day . So I see a few wasps & nothing but a dust trail for me brother :blob2: :crazy2:
Did some scrounging on the weekend at my best mate place from primary school, he’s on 40 acres of mainly wooded land. Plenty of dead Euc’s around the place, we felled 3 trees. The first one my mate cut down. I told him there was a fair bit of leverage up high and it would go the wrong way…. And it did. The next tree I felled and it fell as I predicted. 3rd tree I felled, I was pretty sure it was going to go one way but my mate was sure I was wrong. I followed his way of thinking and ended up with pic below, hung up on a tree next to it stuck on the hinge. I cleared out the hinge but it wouldn’t move. Ended up persuading it with a snatch strap and 4WD.

Had to unhook the trailer and park it on a hill. Ended up with a good load of dead dry timber ½ cord. This stuff’s going to the 2024 pile.
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you run into many snakes out there in the woods??????
I'm watching a used echo cs500-es on the bay. If it doesn't sell I may make an offer. Seller clearly can't be bothered as haven't cleaned it for photos and it's description says.

'Starts fine, runs but needs a tweak as when throttles up the revs die. Has sat in storage for a few years.'. Supposedly light use. I'm thinking gummed high jet in the carb but what other possible problems could cause that?
I'm watching a used echo cs500-es on the bay. If it doesn't sell I may make an offer. Seller clearly can't be bothered as haven't cleaned it for photos and it's description says.

'Starts fine, runs but needs a tweak as when throttles up the revs die. Has sat in storage for a few years.'. Supposedly light use. I'm thinking gummed high jet in the carb but what other possible problems could cause that?
Only other thing I could think of right of hand is ignition, crapping module or...old or fouled plug.
I have quite a few pcs of echo power equipment. Never had any issues. Strimmers blowers and saws. Can't beat them on price and reliability. I haven't experienced any warranty issues either. They replaced a coil on a cs400 that I was cutting in the water with that was just out of warranty. Guy said saw had water in it, But 30$ later and noticed I had a new coil in the saw when I got it home, usually 2 pulls on choke 1 off choke to get anything running that is echo. Once warm, 1 pull is all you need.