That is a pretty HD rotary cutter, nice. The pan on the bottom is normally called a "stump jumper".
Anyway, be careful of how big of trees you take out with a small tractor, a small tractors PTO driveline isn't made for that kind of stress, you will snap it internally. I've seen it happen, but you have a nice setup!
It is. I drove up just nw or traverse city to get it.
Unfortunately I don't use it much, so I've been considering selling it. I knew that part, thought it was funny they called it a dishpan, never heard that before. I'm still alive, learned something new today

I don't like to hit anything much over 2", maybe like you said, some softwoods, or soft wood like box elders. Speaking of box elders(I'm sure you know this, others may not), if you cut them off with a saw; most times they will regrow as do many other species, but when you hit them with the rotary cutter, they don't. That being said, a nice low cut on the bigger stuff sure looks nicer than a "shredded" stump, but when you have larger areas to cut/clear, time is of the essence.
You guys both have bigger, heavier duty tractors as well as rotary cutters than I do. I've got my little 4' Land Pride on my little BX, and it's only rated to cut up to 1" stuff according to the manual. I try to not even get close to the 1" max if possible. I cringe every time that I even hit a rock or a stump while brush hogging. I'm wanting a 75'ish HP tractor and larger cutter in the worst way, but have already spent a lot of money this year, and am trying to tighten the purse strings for another year or two before making any larger purchases. The little one of mine DOES do a nice job on the trails around my house and through the woods though.
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That's a nice little ride and brush hog. It's just like saws or bullets/guns, tough to find one that does it all well, that why its good to have at least two of any of them
Sure is beautiful up there.
How’s that machine been treating ya
What year it that Brett , any issues sense you got it ? Once again nice

Really interested in that one mentioned, What you think about RK tractors ?
Great, it's a hard working machine. But it's light in the butt, with the skidding winch on it I'd say it's about perfect.
Its a 2014, last yr they made this exact model, my B2620 is also a 2014 iirc, it's also a great machine, but very expensive for the size.
Zero problems except when I ran it out of fuel one time and couldn't get the injectors to bleed out. It was low and I knew it, but I only had a little bit of light and wanted to get our home pressure washed. The boy was running the tractor with me in the bucket, I heard it surge and told him to shut it off right away(I drove truck for 20yrs, I know that sound all to well), which he did. So I got fuel and put it in thinking it would fire right back up because I didn't run it completely dry, it didn't

. I was on a tractor forum and guess were saying all sorts of crap like the injector pump was bad(a very costly part). Well I tried a few times to bleed it and it finally fired up and has been running great since.
I like it a lot.
I know nothing about RK tractors, Rob may though, sure he could give you some advice on tractors, he runs his harder than most so he knows what lasts.