OK, I'm not a professional, so educate me. What are you calling chain wear? The silver tips on the drivers causing the chain to sway side to side inside the bar groove? Looks like there is a lot of tooth left on those chains.Well I couldn't sleep so I got up early this morning and thought I'd post a couple pics of some severely worn chains. Worn to the point of becoming dangerous. In fact, one of them parted on me the other day while making a face cut!
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Now I haven't parted many chain's! Only two that I can remember, maybe three. This one parted at the splice. Possibly due to too much pressure to fast when I spun it, but Im not sure. Im thinking it's more likely due to the insane torque and horsepower my Modified 661 makes!!!Anyways, on a more serious note. If you look closely. You can see the thinning of the drive links. This is 3/8 .50g, I typically always run .63g but with the shortage of light weight bars right now. All I could find at the time in 32" was Stihl LW bars in .50g so I took what I could get. Begger's can't be choosers!
However, as you can clearly see. The drive link isn't what parted. The side strap did. Witch would also be the same thickness on a 3/8 .63g chain.
This is a different chain that hasn't parted "YET", and it won't because I've chosen to stop running it before it dose part! View attachment 1015952View attachment 1015953
If you look closely at the drivers and straps on this chian. You'll see a tremendous amount of ware compared to a new chain.
Just something to be aware of.
Also, the bar is Stihl in great shape. Witch tells me its getting plenty of oil, and it should be because I've got the oiler cranked all the way open!
And yes, I know the gullets need removing.I've already removed them twice on both chains!
I will take them out again if and before fir some reason. I end up using these chains as back ups.
"If" I run out of good chain, and can't get another spool. Hopefully That won't happen!
Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!
And why are you removing the gullet? I thought round files are suppose to cut gullets in chains. Never seen a sharpen before like yous, but then, as I said, I'm not a pro.