Awesome Story brother !
Quick story , because my heart began to race , just reading your lead in to the pix's you took from 20 yds from that Elk .

8 yrs back I went on a moose hunt with friends & family up North of Chapleau Ontario . A place a former AS member Alley Yooper frequented & fished often . My Son & I travelled there with my former 1990 Ford Diesel Lariat F-250 with my 8' Overhead Camper on it , towing our sled trailer with 2 Yamaha 660 Grizzly Quads strapped down . We hunted for 4 days . We arrived late Thursday evening around 5 Pm . The other group of 4 friends had been there earlier , on Monday to establish shooting lanes & make calls & check for rubs & other sign . We arrived and no sooner were set up when 2 buddies showed up to advise us that 3 bulls & 2 cows , one with calf had been spotted . The other 2 friends were still out & had called to advise one Bull was down . I along with the eldest father of the 1st group headed out to help with the retrieval . I got there & saw that the Bull had been shot in a clear cut . The shot was 150 Yds . The young hunter said he was driving and saw some movement while on his quad . Stopped & glassed the area , Nothing ? Frustrated he went back to his quad , was about to mount his quad & place his rifle in the gun case . When he quickly looked back over his shoulder , he suddenly saw a young 5 yr old bull stand up broad side at at 200 yds from a 3 ' depression . He waited for 5 minutes until the Bull slowly strutted to within 150 yds & dropped him in his tracks. We gutted the animal & brought him out on a snowmobile trailer , to our base camp 5 miles further North for field dressing. & a few well earned Cordials. Later that evening at the fire pit , the other two group members , advised me of a Older Bull with one rack antler & palm missing , likely from the rut , following a mature Cow . They were located on a small pond basin & pasture 3 miles south east of camp . I has a bull tag & my Son had heard that the younger son of the other group had a cow tag . The next morning I drove the quad to with 1/2 mile of the pond . The frost was heavy on the ground and a brisk wind was blowing out of the North. The walk to the creek crossing into the pond was 300 yds and another 250 yds to the east pasture & basin around the pond which was 200 yds wide to 1/4 mile long , to the far west end. I was on the way in , when my Son radiod me to say he was at the other end of the pond . He further stated , he had picked up track of a single moose walking along the sand roadway into the pond & heading directly my way . I told him I would set up & make a few calls within 20 minutes . I reached the tree line and welcomed the wind break the tree line provided from the North wind . No sooner in the bush I heard crack , a small tree or branch breaking 50 yrs to my right ? I was 50 yds from walking out of the bush below the North west ridge where the noise had originated . I walked out to the fringe of the pasture 50 ' from the water and made 3 long calls . I had no sooner put away the birch bark call & I heard a calf bleat . I froze , slowly turned around & looked for a cow or calf in the tree line . Nothing ! I quickly ran to a small burnt out jack pine root structure . It resembled a WWII foxhole . In it immediately took out my binoculars , caught my breath and scanned behind me , again nothing visible within the nearby tree line . I checked my rifle , flipped off my scope caps from the Redfield & took the safety off the Remington 700 bolt action. 300 Mag. & heard another bleat of a calf behind me . At this point I also heard another crack directly in front of me but east at approx 200 yds , thankfull with the wind in my face . Suddenly the radio crackled , its was my son who said the Bull had left the road & was heading directly towards me & likely closing fast , perhaps reacting to my previous calls . I advised him of the action also behind me of a calf , perhaps with a cow . I pulled out my binoculars , scanned behind me again , nothing . Looked to my east nothing , picked up the binoculars & immediately saw a 5 yr old mature Bull missing one rack walk out onto the tundra grass around 100 yds east of me . I carefully picked up the 700 Remington , flicked off the safety & set the cross hairs for a lung heart shot . The BDL rang out & the 220 gr. Nozler did it's job . The bull turned , quartered & folded within 10 yds . The radio crackles again , was that you my Son questioned ? Yep , another bull down & only the 2nd day at camp I answered . We harvested the bull that afternoon , with the assistance of the other 4 members of the group , never did see the cow or hear the calf again that long weekend . However the next yr we did down a calf & young bull in the same vicinity , which may have been the same ghostly pair from the previous year . Both years were Miller Time Specials that I will never forget , that included close friends & family enjoying life & nature at its best brother ! Sorry for the not so short story , however , Al always liked a good hunting tale , rest in peace my friend your story's were unrivaled !