Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Heck…that’s a cheating MM 🤣
a real one is when you hack away at it then try to booger weld a piece of pipe over your screwups, grind the “welds” so they don’t look too bad and then paint it 😀
Well I did booger up the tig welds a bit as I was in a hurry cause I was doing it on the clock.
Since I know @Kodiak Kid is an aficionado of 1122 series Stihls, I just finished building an 064 for someone. New oem top end, ported and machined by yours truly. Exhaust mods, had to cut a new keyway into the flywheel, had to machine a spacer for an 066 brake flag...way more went into it than I originally planned on doing, started as a box of parts:

She's loud lol:


Nice work that spacer for the chain brake looks great.
Nice work that spacer for the chain brake looks great.

Thanks. It was one of the minor details on that build, but one of my favorite little mods I did on that saw. Wrap handle 064 brake flags are as rare as hen's teeth, so it let me use an 066/660 flag. I didn't have any aluminum tubing, so that was actually cut from a block of aluminum using the 4 jaw on the lathe.
This year I got all our firewood from the local cemetery. They were clearing out some trees for new plots, and had a "free wood" sign up for months. My wife walks our dog through there most days and spotted the wood. Oak, arbutus (madrone), cedar and a little birch, alder and some sort of fruit tree -- likely plum.

We recently put a high-efficiency wood-burning stove in downstairs. Does it ever produce heat.
Got the wife's nesting boxes built for her chickens today. Added the solar light to the coop as well. Between that and cleaning up it pretty much burned the day away. Onto finishing up the inside of the chimney and getting the load of wood from my dad's the other day bucked and split tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get back over to mom and dad's for another load of logs tomorrow evening. Then it's back to work Wednesday.
Edit:forgot to add pic of the boxes!


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I knew I should not have done it, but I had to. I did not want to shoot the 2nd 30-06 in Ruger American Rifle that I got because I am supposed to convert it to 338-06, but my grandson took his 1st deer with my other 06 so I know he is going to want to use it, so I just had to sight this one in for my use.

It is not even broken in, just the 2nd time to the range and has it has less than a box of shells fired (even after today). Using virgin brass, 165 grain Remington bulk bullets (usually not the most accurate) and 57 grains of IMR 4350 (my old Nosler manual claims that is the most accurate load) it fired a 3 shot 1" group, then I moved the scope "on target" and fired two more ... they were only 3/8" apart!

This gun may have just saved itself; I may have to search for another doner gun for my barrel (which is on order, but months away).
Is that barrel specific to the American model?
Is that barrel specific to the American model?
Yes. But I can always look for another one! Really hate to ruin any good shooter.

I always remember the true story of a guy that had a freaky good running 396 Chevelle, but he needed more. So, he sold the 396 motor to get a 427 ... and the car was slower!

Gun #2 has a tighter chamber than gun #1. I have some used "full length sized brass" that fit fine in gun #1, but if you try to shoot them in gun #2 you really have to force the bolt. If I keep them both, I'll get a 2nd full length sizing die and adjust it for gun #2.

For gun #2 I just ran some virgin Winchester brass through a Lee Neck Sizing die. After shooting, I ran the 6 fired rounds through the neck sizer again, so now they are fireformed to the gun. I loaded them with my TTSX bullets, and we will see how they shoot.
Speaking of guns and bear stories…
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One wonders if bear number one got him before succumbing to injuries? Or if a second bear came along and got him while he was skinning the first one?

My dad hunted with this Guide in the late 70s. Legendary Kodiak guides Pinnell and Talifson.
Bill Pinnell and Morris Talifson are the two most famous and successful Brown Bear Guides to ever hunt Kodiak Bear! "The Last of the Brown Bear Men" Many people don't know it, but they were also gay! Dosen't fit the usual Brown Bear Guide stereotype now dose it?

P.S I'm Just Say'n.☝️I'm not gay bashing here!!!😂🤣
G'day fellers,

Not sure if this is techically a scrounge or not but I but up the remaining bonfire poles I had lying around at home. Looks like the community bonfire I've done in recent years is a thing of the past, so the 'reject' poles became firewood. Nothing to write home about but good enough to post for blokes on the interweb you've never met.

25th Sep 3.jpg

25th Sep 4.jpg

All dry and all peppermint so though it looks a bit second hand, it'll burn just fine in what remains of our burning season.
Yes. But I can always look for another one! Really hate to ruin any good shooter.

I always remember the true story of a guy that had a freaky good running 396 Chevelle, but he needed more. So, he sold the 396 motor to get a 427 ... and the car was slower!

Gun #2 has a tighter chamber than gun #1. I have some used "full length sized brass" that fit fine in gun #1, but if you try to shoot them in gun #2 you really have to force the bolt. If I keep them both, I'll get a 2nd full length sizing die and adjust it for gun #2.

For gun #2 I just ran some virgin Winchester brass through a Lee Neck Sizing die. After shooting, I ran the 6 fired rounds through the neck sizer again, so now they are fireformed to the gun. I loaded them with my TTSX bullets, and we will see how they shoot.
I totally understand your thinking… You never want to mess with a good thing.

Maybe just hold onto the barrel? And another gun will come along?
Bill Pinnell and Morris Talifson are the two most famous and successful Brown Bear Guides to ever hunt Kodiak Bear! "The Last of the Brown Bear Men" Many people don't know it, but they were also gay! Dosen't fit the usual Brown Bear Guide stereotype now dose it?

P.S I'm Just Say'n.☝️I'm not gay bashing here!!!😂🤣
Well that’s very interesting!

I have both of Marvin Clark’s books and I think I’m going to start reading one soon if I can find it in the garage.

Never heard that part though… And I’ve read about them on some online forms as well.

Assuming thing that they were together for most of their lives that they were… A couple?
My youngest son who is really into guns was asking me about all the guns I’ve owned over the years and I told them of all the ones that I’ve had and sold. He doesn’t understand why I would sell a gun. I said one thing that will cause me to sell a gun immediately is a centerfire rifle that doesn’t shoot accurately. I don’t have the time to screw around with trying to fix all of the small issues to make it to the right so I’d rather just take a small loss on a trade in and move on.

I’ve also had a few shotguns that shot blatantly low and moved those along too.
I don’t have the time to screw around with trying to fix all of the small issues to make it to the right so I’d rather just take a small loss on a trade in and move on.
I have changed scopes, bedded actions, free floated barrels and had trigger work done. Have also "played" with different bullets/loads/cartridge length.

Most of the time I can resolve the problem, but not always.

Usually if I sell a gun, it is to buy another that I want more.

I am reluctant to play with any gun that shoots well, and the same goes for any saw that runs well. Better to leave well enough alone than to screw things up!

That said, I can't leave stuff alone that I don't think is up to par! I started getting saws ported by others when my 044 would outrun my 046! Professional porting resolved that issue fast! (Thanks to Bret, AKA Spenser Paving). I remember marveling at how well that 046 would pull a 28" bar in Oak.