Got a bit more split up today, I'm sure guys that smoke meat are cussing me. Lots of black cherry went into the shed today. I didn't get the big rounds split though. Seen one of the chickens on the wrong side of the neighbors falling down fence. Had to Chace Dot down, catch her and stick her back in our yard. Apparently she wandered down near the end of the neighbors fence, were a branch fell years ago and took the fence out. I've mentioned this to him several times, as it's normally where his dogs get through to come over to my place.
The fence is right on the property line, favors my side a decent bit, so I called the township and asked what if anything was to be done? The manager (they have been dealing with this guy for 20+ years, my neighbor is a massive prick) kinda sighed and said fix it, don't fix it, rip it out, do whatever you want. If he gives you any grief let him know to call, we'll deal with it.
I had some fence laying around from the garden. Few new T posts and about 20 feet of fence, removal of a lot of multiflower rose bush, a little maple, wild cherry, and the original branch that caused the issue, and it was fixed. I ran a string line to make sure the trees were on my side, the neighbor will complain. Nothing he can do about it.
After talking with the wife, we decided were just going to put up our own fence. I need to talk with the township (again) amd see what the set back is, or of I can take his garbage fence out and put up my own on the line. I'm sure that will be fun...
Just about when I got back to the rest of the splitting, the splitter ran out of gas. Filled it up, just pulled the rope and there's this guy standing in my front yard, next to the wood pile. Turns out he lives down the lane and wanted to know if I cut wood? Said yep, why? Here he had a double trunk tulip Poplar uproot in his back yard. One trunk down on his sand mound, the other propped up in a walnut tree, hanging over my jerk neighbors fence. After about an hour long conversation, I told him I'd happily clean up the one that was down, but the hung up one is beyond what I can handle. That and how it's having over the jerk neighbors fence/propped on the jerk neighbors tree, I wouldn't touch it. Going to need the 390xp and 36" bar for most of the downed trunk. It's huge. He asked me not to take any pictures of it, but I'll get some when I get it back to my place. Bonus for me was he gave me permission to work at it whenever I wanted, and I can run the kubota back and forth across his yard!
Any way, sorry for the long winded post, few pics of that black cherry rounds, and the wood shed.