IMOP. Thats nice looking saw waste regardless. Sharp!
If you're going to try your hand at tuning your chains with a square file? I would suggest investing in a square chisel grinder! It will make learning the technique of square filing much easier, faster, and more efficient buy learning how to touch up a square ground chain before strictly square tuning by hand. Square tuning by hand file is almost like an art, and to get proficient at it. Takes a lot of time and practice! Its nothing like round filing!

Trust me on this one! A lot of Pro's claim to be really good at it. In all actuality, Most are ok at it and only a few are really good! You'll know how good you are at it when you compare you square grind tune and your square file tune in the wood itself!
I'm not trying to tell you what to do. I'm just giving you my opinion and offering a little piece of professional advice!
Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!