Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Good people hang out on this thread and talk about all sorts of interesting things, with good humour. And it always comes back to wood scrounging.

Starting a separate hunting thread will diminish this thread. I'll be sorry to see the range of topics narrow.
i think SHS is on course! ... it always comes back to wood scrounging. the good humor is at no extra cost... and the thread offers a place to mingle about, sorta like a hitchin' post...

Well I’m four years ahead at my cabin and a year ahead at my house. I really don’t plan to pick up a chainsaw except for incidental storm clean up between now and the time that they log behind my cabin next year. I guess I don’t have much to contribute to the next 10 months then.
all caught up, and no scrounging planned for next 10 mos.... :laughing:
I appreciate that!

We better get back on topic though 🙄
hunting, firewood or shooting? i thot chain comments could/should/would be on topic... i mean how can one scrounge up some firewood and not use a saw with a chain. generally speaking.
Ok im going to critique your square hand tuning, and please don't take offense. This is simply just "my opinion"

You have way way to much beek in your side plate and your rakers are extremely low and flat. Not at the proper angle they should be. It almost looks as if you took a very agressive or large bastard file or maybe even a small grinder to them! A small flat raker file is all that is needed. Im guessing that chain is very hungry and grabs hold to a stop and/or chatters a lot?

Your top and side plates need to meet at the very outside corner of the cutter to stay sharp the longest and cut the smoothest. 👍
i reserving judgement til i read what @chipper might have to say about it! after all, i don't do square chain filing and don't know the 'beek' about how to do it...

whatever the beek beeking is?? :popcorn2:
Yea just try to stay consistent with each tooth, obvious the grinder gonna be more accurate in all aspects, but I try to be diligent as possible with angles and uniformity when hand filing always fun trying new techniques to make a better cutter .
my saw is up for some file work. i have taken note of some of the angles show in this thread and plan to tighten up scrounger's bearing...

(kinda like Military Bearing)
Enough, Enough, Enough!
I want to see the results of what folk's harvest on this thread, and the vast majority of posters here would agree with that, so let's stop the political nonsense and move on. This is getting absurd.
not me as a rule! but i do admit to liking KK's 60# salmon pix!!! :yes:👍

a hanging deer in the distance is ok. but up close and guts field dressed.... nah! :omg:

but anything rolled in flour, seasoned and cooked panfry in bacon grease is :numberone: w/me :cool:
Enough, Enough, Enough! so let's stop the political nonsense and move on. This is getting absurd.
i guess it is too off topic too p/r maybe to inquire how come in this tread we can delete posts, but in some of other threads that feature has been removed or disabled?? :popcorn2:
It’s funny how with square filing the general consensus is that the grinder is better, but with round filing the opposite seems to be the normal view.
i have read comments by more than one lumberjack filing his own chains... and he is quite happy with the edge he puts on the chisel....

i like metalwork and i like to hand file my chains...
I like your posts! Some clip art firewood will do just fine🤣 Sometimes hard to find the guys in threads, basically scrounging and good morning are my fav threads, made some good real life friends out of the deal and quite a few 'face cords' of knowledge, had to add the face cord to stay on topic:innocent:
have you checked out Hot Saws lately? ;)
Hey! Nobody's perfect. It's not like I come here looking for trouble. I was responding to a plethora of reports.
I've been busy fixing my mistakes, your stuff has been left alone. It's not always easy to handle these reports, but I try to listen to the membership.

Consider the name change done! That will settle a lot of future problems. If you guys don't like it, you can blame MMike.

(With respect to your bear-scat post, when I delete an offensive post, I generally delete all references to it. In your particular case, I had a report on that particular post. So I had reasons, just not perhaps good enough to survive a good reconsideration of the action taken.)
i wondered where the change came from! thot i would stop by and check out some wood piles and winter heating preps... but OMG! :surprised3:
Dang, we poked the hornets nest! Wood shed row three, nearly full. This is the 2 cord row. Everything behind it is a bit over, and everything in front will be a bit under. Should have the shed up to approximately 5 cord. Its kinda hard to figure out exactly. The floor of the shed taper down to the back, and the roof tapers up. I do nice stacks till I hit the rafters, then stack the next row, then toss on top till it hits the roof.
I had to take a break from the pile and clean up around my bucking and splitting area. Got a fire going and burned all the punky stuff I could before the rain set in. Got the splitter moved in close to the shed. Not my preferred spot for it, but I need room to drag logs out of the back of the pile. That Poplar from the neighbor has the pile out in front of the house. I still have a load from my parents place to get, and I need to get ahold of my logging buddy and get a time to get with home to grab a few load of logs from him.
i knew if i looked hard and long enuff this thread true to its theme... would show me a wood pile of scrounge firewood :)
I meant the Osage orange not the Beech lol. They grow like weeds around here.
It's got a fun twisty grain to it, unlike oak. I prefer oak for burn wood, just because it's easier to split.
oak here, too...a good hardwood. just 'cause it is so plentiful! ~

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