Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Many of the most reviled of our members have been moderators. There ain't no way of pleasing everyone. I'd name names, but that would be worthy of a report and subsequent deletion.

I think I was selected for this job on account of my thick skin and relative lack of popularity. It certainly wasn't because I was the charismatic leader of any forum.
your post count here is increasing!! 👍
I got behind..... Has been tough catching up.... Things didn't read right at all.... Anyway nice muffler but it's throwing exhaust at the saw and scorching it, you want to throw forward a little I think

I like your posts! Some clip art firewood will do just fine🤣 Sometimes hard to find the guys in threads, basically scrounging and good morning are my fav threads, made some good real life friends out of the deal and quite a few 'face cords' of knowledge, had to add the face cord to stay on topic:innocent:
WTF! Someone's messed with the thread title!!
Ahhh I see .. ok.... Feels odd but it could work!
HE done it! ⤴️

I'm just a tool around here, anyway.:innocent:
The training is going well my padowan 😉 thank you
Wouldn't know it if I saw it. Don't think it's a native to the north east.
Beech? Think game of thrones, that's beech. Oh Osage... Never seen it in the UK
The bear scat post was honestly the best thing I’ve read on this thread in months. Still LMAO
The fabled bear sh** post.... I've read about it but never read it!
down here the rule is air gun or propellant regarding in town use. with .500 air guns... well, u get the picture....
Our rules are tight even for air rifles. They need a fire arms license if past a certain power, which brings gun safes and stuff.... Can use on your own property but pellets must stay on your property.... Which means hunting the problem squirrel chewing my paracord ties attaching my tarp to my BOUNDARY FENCE. Is a no no. Them squirrels are smart. 😠
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C'mon now. Be nice. I didn't say I was a helpless hey-boy.
I still got plenty of arrows in the quiver, should a likely target pop up, beggin' to be shot.
i have seen some get shot, but then... they just get up and waller off and away....
Obviously I don’t own the site and I’m not a moderator anymore so my opinion really doesn’t matter. But I don’t see why tasteful harvest pictures wouldn’t be allowed? If there’s excessive blood, guts hanging out, etc nobody wants to see that anyway. But a good clean harvest photo should be fine IMHO.

Unless someone is a vegan, they’ve got no business telling us what we should or shouldn’t do with game animals that have been legally taken. I can guarantee you that my harvested game is treated better than the hamburger you get from the store.
I think the hottest wood I ever burned was wild Bradford Pear. It was difficult to ID so I'm not 100% on the name. Small trees scattered in the woods next to my house, the largest was about 4" at the base. I killed them with Triclopyr and left them standing but they never rot or fell over, just got rock hard. When burning they held their shape until the very end and glowed an intense orange. The rounds reminded me of nuclear reactor rods in my stove. :laugh:
It’s got a nice pop to it
I bet it's an ear ringer :surprised3:.
Welcome to AS Terry.
If you’re judging by the build up I hadn’t ran it yet with that exhaust so that it’s just from stock and the exhaust flow goes right above the chain now not hitting anything
Didn't look like it would it would be a problem, not like it was a small opening concentrating the exhaust towards the saw, well at least not any worse than many stihls do.
i have read comments by more than one lumberjack filing his own chains... and he is quite happy with the edge he puts on the chisel....

i like metalwork and i like to hand file my chains...
I hand file all my chains. The rakers I take down with a mini belt sander.
I meant the Osage orange not the Beech lol. They grow like weeds around here.
It's got a fun twisty grain to it, unlike oak. I prefer oak for burn wood, just because it's easier to split.
Beech grows on my property like city rats do in the big cities. I am taking care of that now little by little, tree by tree. In the Spring the remains will be sprayed to kill them off.
Beech grows on my property like city rats do in the big cities. I am taking care of that now little by little, tree by tree. In the Spring the remains will be sprayed to kill them off.
I've cut up a bunch of ugly, unruly ones the last 4-5 years in our woodlot. They can be unpredictable to fell, rough on chains and a real bastard to split/stack if they're twisted. Despite that, I'd never want to see them eradicated from the property, just managed better.
I've cut up a bunch of ugly, unruly ones the last 4-5 years in our woodlot. They can be unpredictable to fell, rough on chains and a real bastard to split/stack if they're twisted. Despite that, I'd never want to see them eradicated from the property, just managed better.
That's how I feel about all the junk mulberry, red oak, white oak, maple, cherry, hackberry, I'll keep a few around; but man, that black locust :p.

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