Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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My woodlot has many large oak, maple and cherry along with other species, and it has big beech scattered all through it. Actually, big and small of all of them.

I rather like the beech...

We almost clear cut this whole area due to ice damage back in 2008. In 2010 we cleaned up the damage and removed approximately 400 cord of wood. We left seed trees behind to repopulate the forest. The woods went crazy with new growth. For some reason the Beech was everywhere. Over the past 3 years I was hindered due to 3 knee surgeries and a rotator cuff fix. I couldn't get out there to thin it out. I wish I had gotten to it long before it got really thick.
I got the older version because they were on sale, I think they have a 2.0 version out or in the works. I'll have to look at their site again and if not I'll drop them a line.

Better get that Beech cut up. I had a nice beech log I was using foe timing chains, set up off the ground about 3 feet, that went to crap in under a year. I was pretty ticked off about it. One of my more favorite woods to burn. Not necessarily split, it's wavy grain as all get out, but it burns great.
I noticed some of the cut ends turn black like mold.
We almost clear cut this whole area due to ice damage back in 2008. In 2010 we cleaned up the damage and removed approximately 400 cord of wood. We left seed trees behind to repopulate the forest. The woods went crazy with new growth. For some reason the Beech was everywhere. Over the past 3 years I was hindered due to 3 knee surgeries and a rotator cuff fix. I couldn't get out there to thin it out. I wish I had gotten to it long before it got really thick.

What size (diameter) have the new growth Beech trees reached?

Beech is good firewood. You have grown a good resource.
And 22 rimfire!

I used to get 1,000 large rifle primers for under $15.-, now you are lucky if you can find them for $150.-!!!
I’ve gone back to shooting 22s after not owning one for several years. If I’m lucky enough to see primers up here they are $20 a sleeve.
Nice looking cutters. By the looks of those rakers they were ground. You can see the temper is pulled out of them, the rainbow colors. I can’t say much though I have done the same thing in a hurry.
Yeah, I grind them if I have several chains to do as my hands don’t agree with holding a file for long.
i guess it is too off topic too p/r maybe to inquire how come in this tread we can delete posts, but in some of other threads that feature has been removed or disabled?? :popcorn2:

Don't ask me, 'cause I don't know. I'm the hey-boy for this joint.
What size (diameter) have the new growth Beech trees reached?

Beech is good firewood. You have grown a good resource.
I like it on my sawmill too, I have these Beech cants ready to go back on to mill at a later time, to be milled into whatever I need,


hi pdq - if u can change Forum Names, can u move whats for dinner over to the cooking thread. seems it mite be more on topic there! ~

Is possible, but I tend to leave things alone unless I get a report. SVK seems to think that would serve no good purpose.
Myself, I read there often. I'm pretty convinced you regularly eat better than I do on special occasions.
Rob, your post reminds me of when I used to be in my Aunt's barn.

It was over 100 years old and likely made from lots of different kinds of trees, but I distinctly remember one of the posts still having Beech Bark in one of the corners that was not square.

Being in that barn likely influenced how I built my hunting cabin (post and beam with Ash I milled with the chainsaw).

Unfortunately, my cousin did not maintain the roof and it is no longer standing. It was huge! Used to be a working dairy farm barn, but I seem to remember only 36 head, which is no longer a feasible number with all the new milk regulations.
Out with the old, in with the new...I got a new used wood stove, the best part is that it was free. It's a Jotul F500, which seems like a pretty nice wood stove from what I've researched. It's a lot nicer than the old Earthstove that it replaced. It's pretty air-tight and has a side door in addition to the glass door. That's a pretty nice feature and says it can take 24" long pieces.


The old Earthstove put out a ton of heat, but didn't seal up that well. It was also designed for a 7" pipe and I modified it for 6". The reduction in size meant it took awhile to build a draft. It also wasn't the best for leaving you a bed of coals in the morning. I'll keep it for now and possible install it into my shop if/when I expand that building.IMG_20221024_132714627.jpg
My lazy scrounge for the day. I was out back, dragging logs out of the pipe and bucking them into rounds. Phone starts ringing. Here it's my logging buddy. "Hey, that you running that big arse saw?" Me, "yeah, cleaning up the back of the pile, getting ready to split." Him "good, I'm cleaning up the log pile too, come down here with your trailer and that big arse saw." Me "give me a bit, I'll be down."
First pic is the uglies, then the first load of logs. Kinda nice using the grapple on his log truck to load my trailer, then dragging everything off with the kubota at home. Going back down tomorrow for another load. Really need to make a grapple for the kubota. We made some impromptu side for the trailer before we loaded it the first time. I'll have to make some minor improvement to them, but hey, a few milled boards, a handful of screws, drill and chainsaw they work great!


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Some friends called and asked if I was still doing any tree work? I said I'd be over in a few minutes and take a look? If needed I have a good climber. Got there and it was 3 tall Fir trees. Shot a tag line up in them and dropped them one at a time. Took the Brush Bandit down by the fence where they wanted the chips. Brought my JD X540 over on the small landscape trailer, then hooked the trailer up on the X540. Once the tree hit the ground I pulled up next to it and loaded all the brush on the trailer. Each of the big trees took 4 loads, the smaller tree took 2-3. I had my daughter shoot a video of the last load, mostly because I wanted to see how long it took me to chip a load. Six minutes and 39 seconds. Sorry for the long video, feel free to stop it, you can only watch so many limbs go through a chipper.



Cut the logs into 8' lengths and loaded them up. Let me tell you loading 8' logs by yourself is murder.


I decided today to go out and get a load. I was supposed to work on cutting up my pile, splitting it, and filling the wood shed, but after I got back from town for a post office run, I decided heck with it, the truck was already warm, the snow isn't that deep yet and it was in the 20s and sunny so I'll go get a load to put in the wood shed.

I went back to one of my favorite firewood spots and someone with about 15 kids as been in there and pretty much cleaned it out, and left a big mess which bothers me because I like to leave my sites very neat.

Either way, this was probably The last load from that spot. Not the biggest load I've hauled, but I cant really load the truck very much because the driver side of the bed is only held on with hopes and dreams at this point.

I didn't take any pics of the full load for whatever reason but here are a few pics from my day.

That set of bear tracks was from this morning, looks like a decent sized black bear.

4wd on the ol superduty was making some clunking when engaged so I need to look at that.

Now to go finish splitting that load.




hey Brufab - show him the pile of sawdust u made up at ur Dad's place... what was it??? cutting up 100 logs??? :surprised3:
The echo doesn't make much Sawdust compared to the remingtons the saw log piles, all on 1 72lgx070G never touched it up, we even had to sweep all the fine dust and dirt the best we could off all the logs from all the dust that blew on them while my dad's house was being built on for 2 years and all the rotten decaying leaves:nofunny:20221024_151658.jpg
