Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I'm liking that grinder too. Can just take off enough to make a sharp tooth regardless of cutter length and the grind quality should be very nice.
Those are high dollar grinders!!! I'd be very surprised if anyone that owns one would even consider selling it! They haven't made those in a long long time! A very Skook'em grinder! 👍 If you're in the market for one? Best of luck!!! 🤣😉
That is cool, never seen one like that.
Know anyone else who has one :sweet::lol:

Maybe he got sick and tired of the owners contacting him and asking for money, don't know if that would help or not, but a fee members have contacted me saying they were leaving because of it :oops:.
I was only contacted once.
Could really use one of those old AS hatsI:laughing:.
Yeah, but I believe admin can still force PM’s?
Those are high dollar grinders!!! I'd be very surprised if anyone that owns one would even consider selling it! They haven't made those in a long long time! A very Skook'em grinder! 👍 If you're in the market for one? Best of luck!!! 🤣😉
I don't feel that I cut enough to own a grinder. Considered buying one a few times just for the heck of it but the way they are built has stopped me. This grinder overcomes what I don't like which is why I am so impressed with it. My fault, OCD machinist. :innocent:
The 12 volt ones were very inexpensive and get the job done if you get a diamond stone for them (the stones that come with them are crap).

You can just clamp them to your car/truck battery and use them.
I've got one of those diamond stones for my dremmel. Don't remember the name, but it was a name brand recommended here. I just can't get it to work. I let the stone set (spin) a few seconds on each tooth. The chain is still dull and it feels like the grit is gone on the stone.
I'm liking that grinder too. Can just take off enough to make a sharp tooth regardless of cutter length and the grind quality should be very nice.
Just need to use a progressive raker guide when done ;).
Those are high dollar grinders!!! I'd be very surprised if anyone that owns one would even consider selling it! They haven't made those in a long long time! A very Skook'em grinder! 👍 If you're in the market for one? Best of luck!!! 🤣😉
I already have one grinder I was told I'd never get :p.
I don't feel that I cut enough to own a grinder. Considered buying one a few times just for the heck of it but the way they are built has stopped me. This grinder overcomes what I don't like which is why I am so impressed with it. My fault, OCD machinist. :innocent:
I only have 5 :laughing:, 7 if you include the little handheld ones Mikes talking about:lol:.
I babysat earlier so the wife could mow, then we switched so I could scrounge a little. Ran the 400 until I pinched the bar so the 261 got some run time. The little 50cc cuts well but I truly enjoy running its big brother. Here is the wood I scrounged, a little hickory and some maple. 57013B18-15D8-4343-93C0-61F7FB18BB4A.jpegA95E8C79-6D5D-4339-814F-58722403C7E3.jpeg44B4F321-F62E-4AEB-B9FD-E8ED717802A8.jpeg
I babysat earlier so the wife could mow, then we switched so I could scrounge a little. Ran the 400 until I pinched the bar so the 261 got some run time. The little 50cc cuts well but I truly enjoy running its big brother. Here is the wood I scrounged, a little hickory and some maple. View attachment 1028603View attachment 1028604View attachment 1028605

Nice haul..
I like the honda :rock:.
Ran the 400 until I pinched the bar
Come on man.
I got another couple of tanks through the Makita, blocking up my unsplitables. I normally do the odd few bits here and there when bucking other stuff, doing it this way where I've saved all of it and am just running tank after tank to block up really makes it clear what a labourious and expensive way it is to make firewood! I'm glad I can split most stuff with my axes. Probably two more tankfulls, another litre of fuel, to finish this pile completely.
Dropped 3 mid-size (but tall) dead Ash trees today to make some firewood for my daughter (that is good to burn this year).

Luckily, all three were mostly pretty solid. Just used my ported 462s, when the chain on one dulled from the dead dry Ash I just broke out the other.


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My two older grandsons helped with loading the trailer, stacking, and clean up.

That load is only one of the 3 trees, the two others still need to be transported.

I don't seem to have any trouble doing the work, but boy, I do get stiff afterwards!


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Dropped 3 mid-size (but tall) dead Ash trees today to make some firewood for my daughter (that is good to burn this year).

Luckily, all three were mostly pretty solid. Just used my ported 462s, when the chain on one dulled from the dead dry Ash I just broke out the other.
That will be a fine load of fire wood. I think I got one of the last living ash trees around on my trailer right now. It was part of a clearing track my logging buddy did. He said it was truly a shame to take it down, but houses need built. 🙄
Yesterday the wife and I went for a hike on County land. There is an old, abandoned hunter lean-to, a stream, and the view of Putnam Lake (right on the border with CT). I know everyone like pictures!


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I still bike ride but gave up the motorcycle a long time ago. Too many distracted drivers out there, and besides, as I told the guy (we took a lunch break with our bikes, and a group of Harley riders came in with their colors on) and as one of them was checking us out I looked and him and said: "real men peddle"!

He cracked up laughing and we fist pumped!
Sounds like the time I had fun in Daytona Beach during Bike Week while on a 3.5 month bicycle trip... When a guy asked me what I was riding, and my response was "A Trek," the fun began! 😉
This project saw is kicking my butt. I can't get my gear puller behind the flywheel on this one. I built a puller this morning, and am not having any luck getting it off with that either.
Maybe it comes off in the opposite direction? ;) Which takes me back to the time I was trying to press ball joints out from a VW Bug... I brought the stuff into the Ford dealership where I worked as a kid and asked one of the mechanics to help me use the press. It took a tremendous amount of pressure and then it exploded. When it exploded we realized we had been trying to push it in the wrong direction. What did Ford guys know about Bugs? Not much apparently. 😉

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