Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Down here firewood measurements are all over the place, some folks know what a real cord is but most have no idea. People listing face cords as cords, full metal totes as cords, by the bedfull etc. I try to list measurements as full cord, half cord and 1/4 cord but I pounded with questions asking how much for a face cord.
Selling of firewood by cords, face cords, ricks, bundles, loggers’ cord, etc., has been discussed in this forum as long as I have been here.

The way that a cord is stacked also plays a role in how much wood there is in it. Some have a lot of air! Split wood can be packed tighter.

I have seen firewood also sold by weight, but this would be affected by how green or wet it is, species, etc.

There will always be some variance.


no it cannot. The smaller youi split it, the bigger the pile grows. I know that is counter to common sense looking at a pile but that is the fact. Many discussions here on it, many demonsdtrations. I don't know if any of those threads are still available.
Down here firewood measurements are all over the place, some folks know what a real cord is but most have no idea. People listing face cords as cords, full metal totes as cords, by the bedfull etc. I try to list measurements as full cord, half cord and 1/4 cord but I pounded with questions asking how much for a face cord.

Even here where it is written into law that the only legal measure is a cord, I have sold to new customers who are shocked at the amount when I deliver an honest half or full cord. "That's way more that what I am used to getting!!"

So even here, the sellers cheat on the measure.
Even here where it is written into law that the only legal measure is a cord, I have sold to new customers who are shocked at the amount when I deliver an honest half or full cord. "That's way more that what I am used to getting!!"

So even here, the sellers cheat on the measure.

Same here, when I used to sell. I’d pull up with half cord in the pickup and half cord in the trailer. They’d ask which one is theirs. They both are, then they’d say “I only ordered a cord”. I’d end up telling them they’re used to getting cheated, this is a full cord.
I've only ever seen wood sold here as a cord...or my personal favorite, "a truck load." I'm guessing their truckload is Ford Ranger sized. Helllll no...I want my long-bed Dodge 2500 truck load of wood! 🤣

Luckily, I don't have to resort to buying wood...I get softwoods from my own property, or get hardwoods like oak and madrone from sidework.
Around here firewood cutters sell cords. No half cords or ricks. Although I know what a rick is, I've never seen firewood sold by the rick. However, I may be wrong because I don't sell firewood. I cut a lot of it, but I also give a lot of it to the elders in my community that are simply to old to get there own. We sure as hell don't have any firewood laws where I live, or court battles over it!!! 🤣😂 If its on public land and dead or washed up on the beaches. Its first come first serve. 👍 If its on Alaskan Indian land? Its 20$ a cord for standing dead and windfall. Being as my squaw is Alaska Indian. I'm waved of the 20$ charge on Native land, but only if she is physically with me and present while I'm on the scrounge. So I usually bring her along and she watches from a safe distance when I drop a few big snags then I take her back home, or she hijacks my wheeler while Im bucking then comes back fir me.😂🤣😉

Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!
We're not even supposed to call them Squaws anymore, so I've gone back to calling mine "The Ol' Heifer".
Round these here parts if you hear someone say cord, it's a face cord. An actual cord is usually called a bush cord. Nobody says rick. Face cord supposed to be 16" and since most sellers are using processors these days, accuracy is a lot easier and you don't hear people complaining about getting ripped off. I don't sell often but when I do it's out of a 4x8 rack (rick?).
It was a decent day again today, cloudy but not real cold. Anyway, I decided to mill another one of those cherry from the load that I was told should go to the firewood pile,


It looked to me that it would at least be a decent log to mill and so I got started by taking the slabs off and making some cuts,


and here's what much of the lumber looked like,


What do you think about them? Anyway, the pile is growing, and I'll soon be done!


Admission of Guilt!!!

I went back to the tree stand this afternoon but did not see anything. I did pull out my rangefinder binoculars and I mis judged the distance of that buck.

I held like it was at 35 yds when it was really 43 yds, which explains why my bolt went right under it.

Hope I see him again, would love to show him to you guys!
We're not even supposed to call them Squaws anymore

We have a mountain here called (or used to be called) Squaw Leap. I read that decendants of the area tribe complained about it, so officials changed the name. The new name isn’t well known yet, I can’t remember it. Most still call it Squaw Leap. The name comes from the days when the state had a bounty on Indians, the state paid for a scalp or a head. The squaws would go leap to their death off the mountain to avoid being caught.
I decided I was too busy to deer hunt so I've been running my processor at night. Working in my home office early one morning and my wife says to come to the kitchen. There is a fawn trying to get into my barn about 100' from the window. I grab my gear and head out the door, fawn has headed back to the wood pile and is nibbling on bean sprouts in the field. I decided she was too small and left her there. Now I have to listen to my wife teasing me about putting a shotgun on the processor.


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Admission of Guilt!!!

I went back to the tree stand this afternoon but did not see anything. I did pull out my rangefinder binoculars and I mis judged the distance of that buck.

I held like it was at 35 yds when it was really 43 yds, which explains why my bolt went right under it.

Hope I see him again, would love to show him to you guys!
Good luck and good hunting to you Mustang. Hope you poke a hole in that sucker! 👍

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