I was room mates with a co worker once long time ago, had a little duplex we rented in town, in Atlanta. Anyway, we had this little ten foot back yard. One day he goes, I want to grow a tomato! I said, well, we have some in the fridge, pick one out, cut it, get a few seeds and try them. He did, one sprouted well, we planted it. AMAZING that sucker got as big as a Christmas tree, didn't need any staking, the main stem was strong as a sapling! Lots of tomatoes. All it got was some spaghetti pots of water every day and a little raked up lawn from the mower guys for mulch around it, and some coffee grounds, etc. To this day I wish I knew what seeds those were. He saved some then lost them during a move.
I knew a guy who grew the other kind of "tomatoes" when we were in college.
He used to pee on his for extra fertilizer he said.
It sure grew nice "blooms" afterwards