Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Clint, that is great, you certainly got your money's worth, and your competing with Dan for using resources with that one!
...that damn Dan and Clint are relentless ain't they? Like most of you other folks, get it when and while the gettins' good. I've always liked the pics of the 'van slam full' lol...and all others' pics as well. The Scrounge Masters no doubt...Steve, you ain't far behind, as well as others, but ya got some catchin' up to do. If I lived in you folks geographic regions...I'd being doin' the can bet your azz on that.
...backslapping???...where did I miss the change in venue or party at?...hmmm. Lol. I guess you feel like fourth string, bench warmer, after the kudos to Dan and Clint and Mike...I'll still give ya a little credit for the 'head in the sand' deal...albeit 4th place. Lol. ;)
How about this. Today I crossed 20 cords split for the year (14 by hand). Let the backslapping commence! ;)
At this time of the year?? I heard that. Crazy how much wood some of you folks burn. I know you guys have to load up when the gettins' good where yall live...that's damn impressive by hand...I don't give a chit who you are or where ya come from. To be honest with ya, I've hand split 14 cords the last five years. Lol. Man, if ya had a splitter, don't know if ya have one or'd be jam up.
RJ, Nice, what kind of wood???

And SVK, leave the good natured thread be just that, makes up for some of the other ones!

Some threads I feel like I'm in the Pacific catching flack!

That is why this thread remains my favorite, THANKS CLINT!
...Exactly!! Like you...leave well enough alone. Everything gets off on a little tangent, but most threads always seem to right themselves, like this one. This thread, by far the favorite of 90% of us, regardless of how much/how little wood we cut, will survive, and we'll be chiming in on this one, this time next year. :)
Slid the logs down the "hill" with this 1987 Toro 8-32. Did it on a whim, and was quite surprised at how little it took to skid logs down hill. 6 foot logging chain and no chains on the rear tires. View attachment 430450 Mower deck raised as high as it would go.
that brings back memories Clint. i used one of these back in the mid seventies when i first started burning wood. it was "downhill" skidding only though.:laugh:
and this is the saw i used. a whopping ten inch bar.:eek:
Definitely down hill skidding with an 8 hp lawn mower, but it can be done. Chain drive certainly helps, along with gravity and momentum. I was just showing one idea for "low budget" logging to those who don't own bigger equipment. Pulling tree length by the tops instead of the butt is an advantage in most cases as well. Where there's a will, there's a way.;)
I have not been a good scrounger lately, but reading about all you fellers keeps me motivated! :chop:

I got a box in the mail yesterday! A guy gave me his "daddy's old saw" and he even mailed it to me for free! It is an older Stihl 011AV. :happybanana: It is weird to see one with sliding on/off and choke switches. It is used, but not abused. Most of the paint is still on the bar. As I was getting it out of the box and on the bench, the chain was laying in the bottom of the box all tangled. I am the worst at getting chains untangled, so I sat there on my stool and fiddled with that thing like a puzzle from Cracker Barrel. I finally got it all straight and hung it (along with the bar) on a nail. Then I put the saw up and went on about doing my other chores. Well, I got a little something else for free too. Poison Ivy! It must have been on that dang chain! I have it all between my fingers, on my face, in my ear, and I must have rubbed it in my eye to boot, cause it itches something fierce. I might have to go see the doc on this go around. This is not as bad as when I got PI on my "junk", but almost.....

The price we pay for CAD....I learned a lesson Fo Sho! :cry:
Send the stihl over my way. I will deal with the PI.

I have been a poor scrounger this year as well. I am ahead at least a year and have a pile of home projects to do. I am almost finished up with enough of them to start scrounging for next year.

The fixer upper house with a .75 acre lot and all the fruit and vegetables my wife plants are a lot of work. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

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