All of them came out in my arms or on my shoulder. Not much left though.
All of them came out in my arms or on my shoulder. Not much left though.
Me too! Well...this and the Kate Upton turned 23 thread (whether there are new posts or not)This is pretty much the only thread on here that I check 99% of the time.
I'm probably "smart like bull" to be spend my time carrying aspen out of the woods lol. Just didn't want to see it rot.It will make you "Strong like Bull!".
The wrecked clothing would have cost more than value of the snowblower when repaired. If I wasn't sore from hauling wood all weekend I probably could have clean jerked it into the truck but in my banged up state that wouldn't happen. I'd bet it will be there laterPassed on a free snowblower because you didn't want to get dirty! I would have to say that even if it doesn't run, you can always get a new dress shirt!
That's a good idea. I normally have warm weather clothes along in the winter. I once had to jump out of dress clothes into my hunting clothes to change a tire. The changing itself could have been done in dress clothes but getting the spare tire out from under the truck bed would have been a challenge.svk, that is why I carry a tyvek suit in truck. You never know what you may need to crawl under the truck or pick up a snowblower and not want to ruin good clothes. Since I am in need of a snowblower I would have been all over that "scrounge" dress clothes or not. Tyvek suit up and pick that sucker up and into the back of the truck.
My MIL donated a bunch of antique fishing stuff to the thrift shop because it was from her ex husband. I always watched it in her garage but never asked because I just assumed it came from her dad (who died quite young). I went right over to the thrift shop when I found out but it was long gone.My MIL called me the other day and asked me if I wanted a Tiller off of the side of the road? I said, YES!
Then she dropped the bomb. Well, it was there a couple of days ago, but I forgot to call you then. I thought I had her trained better than that.
Of course it was gone when I ran over there after work. Oh well....
3 wedges, Fiskar x27 and x7 hatchet, 2 gal of mix, 1 gal of bar oil, a quart of bar oil for reserve, 16' log chain, 80' 1/2" rope, couple if tinted and non tinted safety glasses, bandana, hard hat, chaps, couple pair of leather gloves, flat file, round file, scrench or two, 3 splitting wedges and a 8 lb maul, ear plugs for backup, 3M work tunes ear muffs, a pair of firewood grippers and usually 2 of my saws.Maybe I missed it in the 808 pages, but what supplies do you keep in your scrounging vehicle.
I keep a 021, fiskars x27, and a can of premix.
You never know when a tree may need to be cut up.
I passed a massive oak tree piled up in someone's front yard that other day, and I cannot stop thinking about it. The problem is that I have no way to practically pick it all up. The rounds are over 3' across and there is a BIG pile of them. It makes my back hurt just thinking about trying to load them. In all honesty, I would be happy just getting the pile of limbs. There are several of them that are about 8' across buried under all the smaller top limbs. It would be a pile of work to get that scrounge. I have plenty of smaller wood closer to my house, so I am just going to try and forget about it......![]()
Was talking to a buddy yesterday and he told me he was going to take down a couple mulberry trees. I told him I'd help take em down.
Got home today and drive past my wood pile, he cut them up, delivered, and stacked them for me.