Got a close-up? Dimensions?all i found was this and they were not happy with me.
I'd be interested in a few more details on your saw rig in the photo.Spent some time playing at work today. I brought home a few more skids.
Delivered another cord this morning, and the customer is happy with the wood. She also wants me to take down two dead Ash trees for her, they are on a steep hill above her house. Luckily, both can be dropped in safe directions. Never hurts to score some addl work!
And best of all, I was given permission to hunt the property. It is in a high end area of horse farms and estates, lots of deer, but a tough place to find permission to hunt. I'm stoked!
On the home front, too much going on! The garden has been producing beans, broccoli and tomatoes on a regular basis. I installed a new sliding door off the deck, but the trim inside & out needs to be reworked. We are replacing the old Formica counter tops with granite on Monday, and the well has been erratic, so that is also going deeper on Monday, a big expense, but I figured it was coming so I planned for it. We are currently down 605', So I will have them go to at least 1,000 and see how things are. Two neighbors have very good wells between 1,000 & 1,200 ft, another scored well at 600 ft, but another one had to go 1,600 to hit. Very expensive to go that deep. Most drillers don't like to go past 1,000, and won't go past 1,200.
Keep your fingers crossed for me, this ain't gonna be cheap and there is no guarantee of success!
My son in law started rehab today to help recover from his heart attack, and things seem to be going as well as could be expected on that front.
I get a yield like this from the garden every two days. The Plumb tomatoes are near endless, and the Beefstakes have been yielding recently also.
Wait till winter, snuff 'em out. That would make a fine mount on any wall. Looks to be a good size nest. I've ran across a many of 'em in the deer woods here in mid Ga. A few of my brothers have big nests mounted on their walls. They look awesome intermixed with waterfowl, deer, and wild hog can scrounge the fence row but it comes with problems mowed a bank owned property today has not been mowed all year and i though i would scrounge on the property for any wood. all i found was this and they were not happy with me.
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That's an awful shallow aquifer tapped into. Are there any planted fields close, nearby that get sprayed with adjuvants, herbicides, miticides, etc? That's literally rain water/surface water shallow.Wow, my well is 65' deep here, we hit water at 20'.
Not necessarily surface water. My 200 foot deep well taps into a several counties wide aquifer. After the drillers broke through the hard surface area the well filled back to only about 60 feet deep when they were pumping it out at 20 gpm. I am near the top of a small hill with people 50 feet lower than my ground. If they hit the aquifer at the same elevation they would have a well filled to within 10 feet of the surface once they broke through. My soil is a heavy clay near the surface and water just does not penetrate it.That's an awful shallow aquifer tapped into. Are there any planted fields close, nearby that get sprayed with adjuvants, herbicides, miticides, etc? That's literally rain water/surface water shallow.
I'd be interested in a few more details on your saw rig in the photo.
i got white sulphur water from my well its a little over 900ft deep.A lot of surface water near me, almost like underground streams, but they don't want you drinking it (like everyone did in the past). They want you to use an artesian well, my casing (which goes down to bed rock) is 110' (if memory serves me right). Originally hit at 525' (5 GPM), and they drilled to 605. My static level was 200', but that was almost 30 years ago, the water table keeps dropping. My pump is currently at 580' and I went dry in Nov, Jan and now again a week ago, so it is time to do something. For years I was good, but no longer.
Did the same thing but I was 40 miles from home!Good timing I soppose. Sucks but it could have been much worse if it happens 10 minutes earlier.