Well, stopped off with the township today. Don't know if they fired the lady I was dealing with before or what, but the zoning guy was there and I got to talk with him about the shop. So he basically said I didn't need a permit because it's under 1000 sqft and could be un bolted from the foundation so they don't technically view it as a permanent structure. I asked what about **** (his name is richard) neighbors? He kinda laughed and asked where I lived, told him and said yeah we know your neighbor,very well. He helped me fill out the paperwork for a permit and said he'd give me a call next week to swing by after it's approved and pick up the display sheet and associated paperwork. Said it wouldn't be very expensive and it coveres me from getting harrased too much.
After that was done he asked me if I was ready to make a formal complaint about my neighbor? Said no, not really, why? He said they have had a lot of complaints, but none from someone with a joining property so they couldn't really do anything since he has a fence up and they can't see anything from the road. Told him I'd have to think about it. Honestly he does no property maintenance am lives in a literal junk yard. But don't know if I want to open that can of worms.