4 days of no 'wooding' now. Started Friday with wild wind, went through weekend with more of the same, wound up yesterday with 6" snow. Letting today, which looks nice, go by to dry out the willow rounds waiting to be picked up.
In an hour or two I'll go out and split enough green willow to finish out the cord rick I didn'dt have enough to finish last winter. Another job waiting is restack a rick of Horse Chestnut that fell over. That stuff is DENSE!!! Probably take a couple years to season.
Well, shucks. Wx report says dry tomorrow and poss Thursday morning then back to rain and showers every day for most of the week. Going out tomorrow and hope that bottom has dried out enough to pick up the rounds I have waiting and maybe do some more brushing to get at the nice looking log hiding in there.
I needto get 6 cords willow for my customer plus a few more for me. That grove is the last one I have found to cut in. It won't last very many more years and my customeer is gonna have to find another source. He's been with me since back in the early 80s. I've already cut off 4 other old customers.