Well, his new MM 500i is stupid fast, lolI must have missed that patented starting technique.....
I always let my saws run for a bit after cutting. Figured it gave them a chance to cool off some. Ironically, I did run the 400 out of fuel this evening. Ran like ***** for a bit after it (finally) started then back to cutting. One thing I like about the husqy auto tune is there's still a choke and usually a purge bulb. Run the 562 out of fuel and it was a few pushes of the purge bulb, 2 pulls on choke then a pull or two with high idle. It was pretty easy to run that thing out of fuel too, by the time it ran goody the tank was dry. The 400 let's you know early enough to shut it down before it runs bone dry.(usually I f-ed that up this evening.)

a bit grabby in 24” Maple with the 8t but I can change raker height to fix that

happy camper!