Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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10" is plenty... I have two 2x10s stacked so mine are about 18" deep with compost. I did this to get more height so they are easier to tend. In the long run, if my lifetime of injuries leave me crippled up, I spaced them so I can put a board between them as a seat while I'm working on them. I lined the frames with landscape cloth to keep the tree roots out... tree roots love compost. Ask me how I know that... 😉
OK, good to know! We initially tried just tilling the ground and planting but the soil is very dense, I suspect high clay content. Returns were minimal. Raised beds seem to be the solution and we are just fine tuning it from there. Thanks for the advise!
You may want to get your story straight on that second part, but there wasn't anything about limiting the rights of anyone (including felons) in any state, much like limiting speech. Nor was there any directive about a federal form for tracking such rights.

I saw that one, pretty funny. It was sad though, that many fell for the plot and did malicious acts, it didn't need to be that way at all. That being said, when you have agents of our government provoking people, what's to be expected.
Epoch Times has a great deeper dive into it all that is now free, the second part of it you need an account to watch.
If you had a felony or misdemeanor charge of 1 year or more in jail you can't own a firearm in Mass. They also looked into gun owners records. If you had been in a bar fight they took your firearms license. There were guys in their 60's and 70's losing their firearms licenses due to fights dating back to when they were in their 20's. That is how bad it is here in Taxachusetts.
I find compost piles to be too much work! I dump my scraps between the rows I have planted and cover it with hay mulch.


It all gets tilled down in the fall and the new rows go right over the now composted scraps, NO turning or bothering of compost piles! yeaaa.

Here's about half of my garlic crop,


We just started composting about two years ago when the wife and I bought our first house together. I've turned it over a couple times and it's starting to look like what I imagine compost should. Will have to mix it into our raised beds come spring. What would you say is the ideal depth for a raised bed? The ones I built are 10" deep and I suspect it may not be enough.
10" is what a few of ours are.
After I cleared the snow at my house I did the same at my parents' house. After I was done I went inside and visited for a while. As I was about to leave I looked out the back window and watched 10 deer come into the yard from the south. There were 5 mature does and 5 fawns from this year. They made a bee line for the big yews along the property line.... The snow had them bent over so the deer could reach the greenery. Deer had stripped all the greenery off them decades ago for as high as they could reach standing on their hind legs! Now they've got access to the very tops! I couldn't get them all in one image... best I could do was seven and one of them is very hard to see!

The new snow blower saved me time and effort over the old MTD 8 HP blowers I used previously. I got an Ariens Platinum 24 SHO... it didn't clog once and launched the snow way further than the MTD machines. The differential is wonderful in the complex environments I face... No more wrestling to turn and no more moving the same snow 3, 4, 5+ times to get it out of the box canyon at my parents' house. Happy with the purchase.

Had to run down to the hardware store today for a 1 3/8 fostner bit . On the way back I stopped to fill up my Jeep before the storm this weekend . A NYC DEP guy comes up to me to comment on the Jeep he’s a big enthusiast of the XJ model . He has 3 right now we talk for a bit he’s really liking mine and sure enough he asked if I’d take $3800 for it . I’d double my investment but what would I buy it took me a couple of years of casual looking to find this one . I wasn’t looking actively but my neighbor put this one up and I jumped on it . I told him “Thanks but I really don’t want to sell it”View attachment 1141774
Got two guys I work with that LOVE that model
The snow started at my house a bit after 6 PM this evening. I left Putnam County around 4:45 PM and NYSDOT had an army of salt trucks staged on I-84 from the Brewster area to not far from the Newburgh-Beacon bridge. The NYS Thruway was brined. There were illuminated signs on 84 west bound mentioning bans on trucks in various conditions in PA (empty trailers, double-wide (modular homes??)). Seems folks believe a storm is coming!

P.S. We brought enough firewood inside to last about 3 days before I left Putnam!
I drove home from Brewster to 17w up to my place in Sullivan County. Roads weren’t to bad for me, but the other drivers sure had their hands full. Tires are 100% necessary and some experience.

Couldn’t believe all the people I saw wrecked
I drove home from Brewster to 17w up to my place in Sullivan County. Roads weren’t to bad for me, but the other drivers sure had their hands full. Tires are 100% necessary and some experience.

Couldn’t believe all the people I saw wrecked
There were an abundance of NY Alerts for 84 and 87 the past two days... lots of wrecks for sure!

I had my father's two wheel drive PU today to move the snowblower around. I forgot what it's like to drive a rear wheel drive light duty truck on slick roads. Haven't had one since my 3/4 ton Ford Econoline.... I used the emergency snow routes and they were in excellent condition. It was the sloped driveways that were the main problem... lots of tread but lots of wheel spin too.
Got two guys I work with that LOVE that model
Last of the AMC Jeeps . I had a liberty when they first came out not a good vehicle . My mom has a grand Cherokee think it’s a 2019 in the shop a lot and it’s only got 8k miles on it. Stepdaughter has a 2022 grand Cherokee also been towed multible times . Lots of electrical problems when she was driving home last week everything went out dash lights touch screen and the headlights . Not good in total darkness .
I wouldn’t get a new one .

The 98 was my favorite year for these the later models had head problems. I’m sure Chrysler got a cheaper bid on them . Run it hot and it would warp causing antifreeze to get into the oil . When that happens plan on changing out the cam bearings as the front one wipes out .

The pre 99 4.0 was pretty much bulletproof.