The link works. I've never heard of the megaregion plans. It looks like the plan is to take away local control and autonomy for the "greater good". How about teaching people to be independent hard working citizens like we used to. Oh wait, that doesn't play well with globalization. Well, this is why I don't watch the news, it's unhealthy for me. Brings me up into the dangerous blood pressure zone.It's all part of the plan, ram their crap down our throats til we follow along and are arguing amongst each other. It takes our eyes off them, the real problem.
I'm staying to fight . Something I've only heard one person mention, is that the powers that be want the Great Lakes region, everyone needs food and fresh water.
Not sure if this link will take you to the wayback machines link, but it's from 2012(tells you how long I've been a conspiracy theorist lol) of their 2050 megaregion plans. I'll post screenshots of it if it doesn't work, if you want to know what they have planned for your area of the country, it's in here.