I came across one once. A snapping turtle was laying eggs in the middle of the single track path on an old rail right of way. I wasn't about to mess with that turtle at the time! Later, with the intention of moving the eggs, I couldn't find the spot again. I doubt they survived given the fact that people were riding bicycles and walking on that path...There were monster snappers in the drainage ditch and wet lands along the corridor and I'd sometimes see them walking down the path. Today... not a chance. Shortly there is going to be a grand opening for the recently completed paved rail trail project on that corridor. Me personally... I miss the old trail. I used to see all kinds of wildlife there... three varieties each of turtles and snakes, woodcock, green heron, fox, coyote, bear, whitetails, various varieties of ducks, humming birds, song birds, squirrels, rabbits, beaver, muskrat... It had excellent wildlife habitat because there were electric transmission and distribution lines there and the maintenance disruptions created a lot of grasses and high stem count brush which when combined with the wet lands and nearby forested lands was a great place for critters to live.