With a break in the rain and some discretionary time Saturday we took a walk ahead of my grandson's birthday dinner... We saw this guy on the newly built out rail trail. That section of trail was single track for 40 years and now it's blacktopped. I saw a lot of wildlife there over the years... deer, bear, coyote, fox, mink, muskrat, beaver, green heron, 3 kinds of turtles, 3 kinds of snakes, woodcock, rabbits, squirrels, etc., etc. Much the habitat along the trail was wiped out by the power company tower replacement and the trail build. Little of the wildlife is still in evidence. I was glad to see this guy crossing the trail!
Unfortunately our presence disturbed him. Instead of crossing the trail straight across and using the grassy areas he started moving at an angle as we approached and ended up in the tiny patch of riprap around the culvert. I was afraid things were going to go bad for him!
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