Well, got about this far on the shop this weekend. (Sunday and today) my brother came over yesterday afternoon and helped me set the main door frame. I had a f-up on the tractor. (100% my fault.) The kubota doesn't lift quite high enough, so like a good bunch of hill Billy's we took 2 bessy clamps and clamped the top to the tips of my forks to set it. Got one anchor in the left side. My brother told me to drive in just a bit to line up the right side. Was two footing the brake and hydro. (Both feet in the same side of the tractor.) When he said stop (like a retard.) I pressed the brake in harder to stop and pushed my left foot with my right foot forward onto the hydro pedal and drive a bit too far, ripping out the anchor we just sank on the left side of the door frame. No one was hurt, but I had to cut out and repair the hole I ripped out in the floor.
Really pissed at myself for that one. Took most the morning to get it fixed. Got redhead glue in 7" anchors for the door frame, then made up a larger 3/8" thick steel plate to go out around the break, sunk it flush with the floor + added in 6-3/8" counter sunk anchors to that. I wasn't quite happy with it, so found some 2x2 x1/4" angle and cut that in flush with the front edge of the pad, and welded it fast under the 3/8" plate. I just used a few 1/4" counter sunk tap cons and the rest of the tube of anchor glue. Lots of screwing around, but it should hold up just fine. I'll pour under the plate with some quick set concrete tomorrow. Used the 7" anchors for the other 2 hole on the right side. Lesson learned I guess, don't rush. And make sure your anchors are set in deep enough.