I remember (too well) installing Hooker Headers on FE Ford motors (big blocks, for those not familiar) in 67-70 Mustangs with shock towers.
Had to disconnect one motor mount at a time and raise the engine up a pinch, there were 4 bolts / tube, and many needed an open-end wrench that had to be flipped each time you tightened the bolt a bit.
It was ALWAYS and all day long frustrating process, but the end results were worth it. Good thing I was much younger and more agile back then! I would not enjoy doing it again now.
When i put headers on my 73 f250 360 fe I got the 2 piece headers for it. Did my 75 with one piece headers and that was enough to make me cuss worse then i normally do.
Glad you still know how to use that wheelbarrow @H-Ranch was beginning to worry after only seeing days of pickup loads. You and @Cowboy254 have been on a farwood mission of late.
Ok. Never seen one of those.Given the size, it can almost only be this:View attachment 1174023
Also known as the spinning wheel of deathcarving disc for a right angle grinder.
I knew there must have been some LOGICAL reason for you cutting that wood up....... I'm out of pallets now so I'm using uglies as a sacrificial bottom layer.
Awesome!!Dad didn't want to wait for me to clean off my deck over, so he went and got half the insulation today. He's going for the rest tomorrow. Should be enough for 4" on the walls and at least as much in the ceiling, if I figured it out right.
No doubt... not much call for chains for 18th century tools.Actually the chain looks quite different than that chain as do all wood chains. Must be for a mini electric pruner saw.
Reminds me of the season my oldest son was born. His DOB was written on all the venison packages in the freezer.19 so far, almost a “life sentence”…View attachment 1174091
Nice! I did some exhaust work today too! My father's zero turn continues to haunt me... While mowing last week the muffler fell off. Seems the bolts loosened and fell out... only took about 18-20 years but they did. With fingers crossed I visited my son at his work place and obtained new flange bolts to attach the muffler to the stainless steel mounting bracket that attaches to the frame. No good. The threaded holes had been worried by the bolts and the new ones were not grabbing the threads. Another trip to see my son... This time for the next diameter size up bolt. I took the bracket, muffler and new bolts to my shop. Drilled the holes to the appropriate size for the new bolts and tapped them. Then it was a matter of reassembling everything... and then mow!Easiest header instal ever . One tiny glitch the #2 rear bolt wouldn’t make the angle in . Thought of using a stud or shorter bolt but decided to just heat it up a bit and dimple it . Didn’t take much at all . Headman was willing to sent out a new set under warranty. But it was so minor I decided not go that route . But other than that no modifications to them or the truck needed . Guess it’s true you get what you pay for . I like that they are made in America View attachment 1174004View attachment 1174006View attachment 1174007
I knew there must have been some LOGICAL reason for you cutting that wood up.
Is it just @Cowboy254 and I competing for the scrounger of the year trophy?
It was time to till one of my gardens,
It worked up rather nicely,