Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I remember (too well) installing Hooker Headers on FE Ford motors (big blocks, for those not familiar) in 67-70 Mustangs with shock towers.

Had to disconnect one motor mount at a time and raise the engine up a pinch, there were 4 bolts / tube, and many needed an open-end wrench that had to be flipped each time you tightened the bolt a bit.

It was ALWAYS and all day long frustrating process, but the end results were worth it. Good thing I was much younger and more agile back then! I would not enjoy doing it again now.

When i put headers on my 73 f250 360 fe I got the 2 piece headers for it. Did my 75 with one piece headers and that was enough to make me cuss worse then i normally do.

Even with the nose off I had problems with the headers on my Chevelle. I sent two sets back to Summit . I ended up with Doug’s headers and they went in with a little cussing and a few tweaks
Glad you still know how to use that wheelbarrow @H-Ranch was beginning to worry after only seeing days of pickup loads. You and @Cowboy254 have been on a farwood mission of late.

We have had a run of glorious weather in the last few weeks, nights down to 3°-6°C and days to around 18°-20°C and clear. Perfect for scrounging, but also my current staging area for overflow scrounge floods when it rains and is often wet all through winter so I want to get as much cut and stacked before that happens. I'm out of pallets now so I'm using uglies as a sacrificial bottom layer.
Got to run the repaired 290 against my 590 in some 20” oak. I forgot how slow the 029/290 was for the weight, I thought 16” .325 it had would give it the win over the 590 running 24” 3/8.

Nope, the 590 gave the 290 a beatdown even with the 50% longer bar and bigger chain. And it was cutting 4” more wood than the 290. Granted the 290 had semi chisel as opposed to the full chisel on the 590, both were freshly sharpened to the same extent. Both were tuned to 4 stroke with no load and immediately clean up under load, everything under my control was as equal as possible. 290 is also stock whereas the 590 has a muffler mod and base gasket delete.
Dad didn't want to wait for me to clean off my deck over, so he went and got half the insulation today. He's going for the rest tomorrow. Should be enough for 4" on the walls and at least as much in the ceiling, if I figured it out right.


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19 so far, almost a “life sentence”…View attachment 1174091
Reminds me of the season my oldest son was born. His DOB was written on all the venison packages in the freezer.

I actually got it the day before and a buddy processed it for me as I was busy. 😉
Easiest header instal ever . One tiny glitch the #2 rear bolt wouldn’t make the angle in . Thought of using a stud or shorter bolt but decided to just heat it up a bit and dimple it . Didn’t take much at all . Headman was willing to sent out a new set under warranty. But it was so minor I decided not go that route . But other than that no modifications to them or the truck needed . Guess it’s true you get what you pay for . I like that they are made in America View attachment 1174004View attachment 1174006View attachment 1174007
Nice! I did some exhaust work today too! My father's zero turn continues to haunt me... While mowing last week the muffler fell off. Seems the bolts loosened and fell out... only took about 18-20 years but they did. With fingers crossed I visited my son at his work place and obtained new flange bolts to attach the muffler to the stainless steel mounting bracket that attaches to the frame. No good. The threaded holes had been worried by the bolts and the new ones were not grabbing the threads. Another trip to see my son... This time for the next diameter size up bolt. I took the bracket, muffler and new bolts to my shop. Drilled the holes to the appropriate size for the new bolts and tapped them. Then it was a matter of reassembling everything... and then mow!

I was happy nothing else failed! Two weeks ago there were battery and cable problems, last week the muffler fell off, this week I fixed the muffler... I fixed it as a new one listed for $150 and it had to be ordered... Seemed a bit pricy to me for what it is. The pipes coming off the engine simply stick into the two large holes shown in the image. There are no gaskets or anything else to seal them... slip fit!


While writing this I noticed the Walmart ad... Seems like a dumb ad to run on an arborist site! LOL

I knew there must have been some LOGICAL reason for you cutting that wood up :laugh: .

Why would you assume that? :laugh:

Actually I was just removing mess (to keep getting invited back for more scrounge) that could eventually be burned to keep us warm but thought of making them sacrificial as an afterthought.
Is it just @Cowboy254 and I competing for the scrounger of the year trophy?

You know, I feel that cutting wood from piled straight logs that someone else did for you is not quite the same as cutting from trees that have come down naturally that you have to think and work through. Never mind the snakes, scorpions, bull ants and drop bears that we have to contend with over here. I think that @H-Ranch should have a few points deducted from his score for the SOTY trophy because it is just a bit too easy cutting from a pile. There, I said it.

It was time to till one of my gardens,


It worked up rather nicely,


That soil looks so rich you ought to be able to grow donuts :sweet:
G'day fellers,

Lots of pics today, for those with low bandwidth, I don't really apologise. This big narrow leaf peppermint must have been a monster and quite twisted. After it died, it fell, split into several parts, some with rot in them. The picture is deceptive, this is from the skinny end, 20' at the nearest fork.


The main trunk split into several parts on landing


On the other side, part had split off to the left and this looks good for the scrounging at a later date.


There was a branch stub supporting the log up to this point so I felt safe cutting to there


Those rounds are not quite dry but fairly close, I think I'll give them to Roscoe.
