You REALLY don't want my opinion do you?? Speaking my mind has gotten me in trouble (even at work) too many times.
Just sheet metal it. Then you can slide around on greasy mud.
They took it and sold it for booze.Reminds me of an experience I had... I felled and bucked trees on a new segment of rail trail. An alternative sentencing crew from the probation department moved all the rounds to a location I could access with my truck. There were at least two cords of rounds in the pile so it would have taken me multiple trips to get it all. When I went back to get the wood it was GONE! Only a handful of people are authorized to be on that property with vehicles and none of them knew anything about it. So not only were the takers thieves but they criminally trespassed to do so! That took a lot of nerve as if not for a slight rise in the road a NYS Police barracks is within sight of the access point. Several of the authorized people have been stopped by the Troopers while driving on the trail so the Troopers know it's legally prohibited and they enforce it.
P.S. Given the make up of the alternative sentencing crew some refer to them as "The Drunk Squad."
Too many Libtards up there.
I was thinking the same thing! I was going to order some 2x4s from him for my shed project and have him ship themThat would have made some really nice 2x lumber.
A Douglas fir removal. Start to finish
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Been going thru a rough couple of weeks here. On 4 May a partner in crime of almost 30 years went to be with the Lord. This past Saturday was the Viewing/Funeral, lunch and Graveside service. I sang this song acapella:
I used that as part of the eulogy I gave.
Heading to the kitchen now for some CIT. (Cast Iron Therapy) Have a good one all of you. I hope that the sorrows in your lives are few and far between.
We really need an angry emoji for these situations.Missed Opportunity
Found a 2 hour old CL ad last night (while raining) for free Hickory. Emailed them and said I'd be there by 8A. Didn't want to go too early. Emailed this morning at 7:30A to make sure it was still there. Told' Yes'. I get there and some SOB is guarding it said he's a neighbor and a friend of his son had already taken a load and was coming back for the rest. PI$$Ed me off.
Should never reply to curb alerts I guess.
Sorry for the rant.
How far apart are your rafters? For drywall? Around here everyone puts drywall directly to the 2' centered ceiling joists. I've seen them put up lath on ceilings on 'This Old House' but never understood why.Didn't get all the lath on the rafters yesterday. Wife got off work early and I ended up doing some honey do chores. Supposed to start raining later this afternoon, so hopefully once I get off o can get the rest of the lath up quickly amd get some panels on before the rain. I'd really rather not have to move all the osb sheets into the shop that I tossed on the floor of room side of the lean to.