Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I need you blokes' opinion on this. Worn out or just getting comfortable?

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Reminds me of a hank sr. line in a song talking about his shoes being so thin if he stepped on a dime he'd bet a nickel he could tell you if it was heads or tails!
I got back to work on my back garden today, first thing I did was fill one of the trenches with flower bulbs,


With that done, it was very easy to cover them up,


Now I can ignore them until fall! lol

Man, I love your soil base. Mine is a clay/soil mixture and I have to amend the soil when I plant. Are those tulip bulbs? I'm sure you have deer in your area. I planted a 50' row in my garden twice and the deer got them both times.
You started cutting on a log and someone else came by and finished it? Man I hate that. One other guy cuts in the same area I do and has done that to me in the past. I stay clear of the piles near his setup, but the consideration isn't mutual.

Are the termites long gone or are they still active? I hate cutting into a log that has ants. Start climbing all over you. Have to let the rounds set a week or two before splitting.
I had someone do that to me once! I had cut down a big white oak tree that was something over 30". I came back the next day; and it was gone!
Here is some of my CIT from this morning:
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Then I got this little guy from a friend. 6.5 inch skillet made in Taiwan, so just a cheepy.
Wasn't rusty, but the seasoning was fubar. Hot water and a SOS pad cleaned up most of it. Then took a green Scotchbrite to the last of the grime.
Seasoning consisted of a couple times on the stovetop then for @MechanicMatt I did it twice in the oven. Please put on ur sunglasses. I don't want to be responsible for any damaged retinas.
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Hopefully svk will chime in and let me know if there is any hope for my cast iron seasoning undergrad degree.
Got some CIT in this morning. Fried up a pound of bacon (for the week) in my 15" Lodge that I found on a clearance isle for $17 years ago. Didn't really need it, but for the price, I couldn't pass it up. Now I don all my bacon mess in one day and have bacon for breakfast all week.
It's also good on an outdoor propane burner for family fish fries, but haven't done that for years.
I had someone do that to me once! I had cut down a big white oak tree that was something over 30". I came back the next day; and it was gone!
My Dad, Brother and I had cut and split a tree in a farmer friend's front yard and left it there overnight. Came back the next day, and it was gone! Lesson learned. Now when I cut, I cut and load in sessions so I know exactly what will fit in my truck. No cut rounds left. That way if someone comes in where I've been cutting (and it's happened) they have to do all the work.
I need you blokes' opinion on this. Worn out or just getting comfortable?

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Looks like you need some American made, Pacific North West logging boots from Nick's, White's, JK, et al. They have a proper heel and are resolable and rebuildable. You'd be the envy of Oz! 😉

Speaking of which, I went out to Will's today to scrounge the rest of the last log I was getting at, to find that someone else already had. I know Will lets one or two other blokes scrounge there. You snooze, you lose as they say.

Here was a small broad leaf peppermint nearby.

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I had suspicions that it might not be that good inside and I was right. Big termite pipe right up the guts.

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The pipes do fall out when you split the rounds so the wood you end up with is quite good, just a fair bit less of it.

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I made a nice pile for burning, even dragged the butt over to it. Will is happy for me to torch it when conditions are favorable, which might be Wednesday so I plan to do that and continue scrounging.

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Scrounge on :rock:
Reminds me of an experience I had... I felled and bucked trees on a new segment of rail trail. An alternative sentencing crew from the probation department moved all the rounds to a location I could access with my truck. There were at least two cords of rounds in the pile so it would have taken me multiple trips to get it all. When I went back to get the wood it was GONE! Only a handful of people are authorized to be on that property with vehicles and none of them knew anything about it. So not only were the takers thieves but they criminally trespassed to do so! That took a lot of nerve as if not for a slight rise in the road a NYS Police barracks is within sight of the access point. Several of the authorized people have been stopped by the Troopers while driving on the trail so the Troopers know it's legally prohibited and they enforce it.

P.S. Given the make up of the alternative sentencing crew some refer to them as "The Drunk Squad."
Man, I love your soil base. Mine is a clay/soil mixture and I have to amend the soil when I plant. Are those tulip bulbs? I'm sure you have deer in your area. I planted a 50' row in my garden twice and the deer got them both times.
All the soil you see in the pict. was put there as tractor bucket load after bucket load of cowchit that I cleaned out from around a cattle feedlot. I hauled it all in (by the bucket load) and made that raised garden. It's now composted out and is fantastic soil!

Then because I don't like weeding, I mulch the gardens in HEAVY with hay, putting it right up to the plants. I rotary cut the hay out of my fields, and in the fall the hay gets tilled in/under to feed "next years" plants.

Those bulbs are Cana Lilly bulbs, I have two different colors of plants.

The deer walk right through my gardens and don't bother a thing, there's just too much "other" feed for them around here that they like better. It's rabbits and the occasional woodchuck that I have a problem with, also coons when the sweetcorn gets near ripe, but I trap/shoot those out.

Yesterday afternoon I picked up 167 bucks worth of iron for my canoe racks (to be built onto 16’ boat for forays into canoe country). Can’t wait to do this project.
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I have big plans to make one that will roll on to my landscaping trailer....... Someday