My wife sent these this morning . Bastards eating my apples .
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There's a bear showing up at my two son's homes and their neighbor's for the past few weeks... It was laying down under the neighbors peach tree on it's belly eating peach after peach. Took one of my son's bird feeders--all but empty but it it was taken anyway. A coyote keeps showing up too... So far nothing has gotten into the chickens.
It's been quite a while since I stopped in... It's been elder care to the max... The R part of CPR failed to materialize for me while I was waiting for EMS to arrive to tend to my father... He passed at age 90 at the end of July. He was at home and I had taken Mom to a doctor appointment in the morning. When we returned we found him on the floor... My typical day now is about 13 hours long taking care of Mom and doing household chores and fixing things at their home....
If you have elderly parents do NOT believe them when they tell you that they are fine, that everything around the house is OK, and they don't want to bother you... It wasn't until I started spending the bulk of my time at their home that I "discovered" things. I previously took care of many things I did notice... cleaning gutters, soft washing the roof to get rid of moss, washing the garage, replacing 3-way switches, etc., etc., etc.
They only had a few dishes so they hand washed them.... not really, water was leaking into the basement due to a rotted out copper waste line AND the drywell for the kitchen grey water was full and backing up the 4" DWV pipe between the house and drywell. I dug the hole and pipe trench by hand and built that drywell about 55 years ago.... Got $5 for doing it! After replacing the plumbing inside the house and constructing a new drywell the dishwasher works fine!
While going through papers to deal with the passing of my father I found service receipts for the boiler going back 5 years. Tech wrote "needs combustion chamber." I never heard that mentioned... I took the boiler apart to find this:
Front where the burner goes
Back wall... the floor was completely gone.
In process...It cleaned up well and is in surprisingly good condition. New combustion chamber sections are in place in the photo.
I was doing a lot of end of season yard work and found more black snake sheds... I'm up to six now! My son noticed the shed from the big snake that was on the patio. It was under a workbench in the outdoor power equipment room. The big shed is on top of the 6... one was destroyed by the string trimmer and only a little piece was recovered! I'm saving them for my grandsons... Figure they'd be a good show and tell item.

I sent one of my sons to school with a deer antler and a buck rub one time and various skeleton parts other times. He earned the nickname Bones in primary school.
The on-going Blazer saga continues... I finally got a chance to revisit it... The delay wasn't a problem because mom stopped driving back around April or May at age 88. With further testing I narrowed it down to the IPC circuit. A new battery and alternator slowed the draw down from "dead in a day" to "dead in 3 days." The IPC was a bit wonky (fuel gauge for one) so I pulled it out today to ship it out for repair.
This is the kind of stuff that is fine... don't believe your elderly parents!