Frustrating.This may have some impact on a few of you regarding a zoning proposal put forth by the Carmel Town Council in Putnam County, NY.
The Carmel Town Council is considering a zoning master plan that includes heavy restrictions on fish and game clubs. The draft is not available online - you have to show up in person. Putnam Co. Fish & Game sent the following notice:
Public Hearing - Proposed Carmel Zoning Code Change Affecting Rod & Gun Clubs and ranges.
Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7pm at Carmel Town Hall, 60McAlpin Avenue, Mahopac, NY.
Get there early! We need to pack town hall to prevent losing our ranges!
The Town of Carmel recently updated the draft zoning code. The proposed zoning code creates a category “rod and gun club” that would apply to PCFGA., Willow Wood, etc. Many of the rod and gun club restrictions are arbitrary, unreasonable and harmful.
Although the updated code says the rod and gun club provisions will apply to new clubs, it doesn’t explicitly exempt existing clubs. We want the Town Board to leave the current zoning alone or at least add the explicit exemption of existing clubs.
It all comes from CAVE (citizens against virtually everything) and NIMBY (it ok but not in MY backyard) idiots.
I am very involved in nonprofit work and you should see the people we battle against (sometimes internally) to make progress.