I'm right on the border with CT. Lots of folks move there for lower property tax only to get hit with Personal Property Tax and Income tax on pensions and even (sometimes) Social Security. It is often like a minefield trying to figure out where taxes are lower overall. Ironically, a teacher in CT has a crappy pension (compared to NY), is taxed on the pension and does not pay into Social Security (pension is in lieu of Social Security).I looked into NC but they have a personal property tax
Many places out West look picture post card perfect, but most of them don't have many hardwoods to speak of. I guess I'm a bit spoiled, but I can't imagine not having good hardwoods to cut and burn!If I had a choice I'd move to the Dakotas, Montana or maybe Nebraska.
Ironically, the Catskills used to be almost all Hemlock, but when the clear cut it (to tan the leather for the Civil War) hardwoods grew up in their place!