My city knows exactly who heats with wood and is pressuring them to switch to electric heat pumps. At the same time a tourist train spews enough particulate matter in one day to probably equal a year’s worth from all the wood heated homes. Politically the city and county don’t have the will to kill off the railroad…
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The city and county won't say anything since it's a revenue stream. On a similar subject the Minnesota Commercial (MNNR) that operates largely in the heart of the Twin Cities was "encouraged" by the powers that be to get rid of all of its remaining Alco diesel locomotives (the same builder as the ones in the original post) to help with air quality, nevermind the ever increasing vehicle traffic (and airline traffic) that they think mass transit and bike lanes will solve (a long story for another day). MN Commercial had the last 2 remaining RS-27 locomotives in existence, and Alco's are well known for their ability to make lots of smoke.