Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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OK! I thought I was the crazy one and was not seeing something correctly. I think I agree with your entire family just looking at the "left" and "right" versions. Simple enough error, he made a naming error in the files. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Yep, that's what I figured. I sent him a message to ask/ let him know I thought he switched the names. I'm sure he'll get back to me if I'm wrong, or update the file.
I thought it was a bit low too. but the prices seem to fluctuate from area to area and time of year. I'd bet everyone jacked their prices for this cold snap.
In central Mass the prices are varying from $200 picked up to $250 - 425 delivered. I had no problem getting $200 a cord picked up. My wood is split so that the buyer doesn't have to split any wood at all.
In central Mass the prices are varying from $200 picked up to $250 - 425 delivered. I had no problem getting $200 a cord picked up. My wood is split so that the buyer doesn't have to split any wood at all.
I'm at $280 a cord picked up for ash. Most of it goes out 1/4 cord at a time. Don't have any trouble moving it.
In central Mass the prices are varying from $200 picked up to $250 - 425 delivered. I had no problem getting $200 a cord picked up. My wood is split so that the buyer doesn't have to split any wood at all.

I'm at $280 a cord picked up for ash. Most of it goes out 1/4 cord at a time. Don't have any trouble moving it.
Around here in northeast Indiana the prices vary from about $275-$500 a cord. I have never had to buy firewood, I've always cut my own. I have a few friends that let me cut in their woods since I don't have my own.
I've gone to forestry auctions near me; I've even bid on some. But it always ends up being too much.
Yeah, it sucks what they are trying to force us into, but I'm not going for it.
Although, I was once told by a stove manufacturer (Hitzer Inc) that all you needed to do was install a coal stove. Then if you were caught burning wood all you needed to do was say you are in the process of switching to burning coal.
This makes sense, at least to me, because I know the EPA does have less restrictions on anthracite coal.
*Overlooked Line In Trump’s Energy Actions Could Instantly Improve Quality Of Life*

As Section 2(f) reads, “It is the policy of the United States . . . to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries.”

No more faucets that take 10-15 min to run dishwater, no more trying to get the dribble of water in the shower to rinse the soap out of your hair and eyes, no more crappy ccp washing machines that stink and have to be thrown out in 1-5 years. You will be able to take a dump and flush it away in one try. Wanna buy a gas stove? Go ahead! Does not help with the insco, but Fuds should not be a problem.

Overlooked Line In Trump’s Energy Actions Could Instantly Improve Quality Of Life​

Gage KlipperCommentary & Analysis WriteJanuary 21, 20254:31 PM ET

Immediately after being sworn in, Donald Trump got down to business signing dozens of executive orders. You’ll hear a lot about the decrees to pardon Jan 6. prisoners, slash the federal bureaucracy, and reverse the climate agenda, but one of the most noticeable changes likely won’t make the headlines.
Buried deep in the executive to “unleash American Energy” is a line about … lightbulbs and shower heads?!
As Section 2(f) reads, “It is the policy of the United States . . . to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries.”
You may not have noticed because the change occurred slowly and quietly. Maybe you moved into a new place in the last 10 years and just accepted the crappy shower pressure. Maybe the last time you went to the store, you just assumed they were out of incandescent bulbs; you’ll try again next time. But there would be no next time if the Green Mafia had its way. Taking away our everyday little joys and conveniences were part and parcel of the green agenda.
We all know about the war on gas stoves.
Less known is the 2013 rule by Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency that mandated shower head manufactures meet a low-flow standard. You’ll stand under a cool trickle of water and you’ll like it, pleb!
Equally galling is Department of Energy’s decades-long march to phase out incandescent lightbulbs, which finally took full effect in the final months of Biden administration. Instead of the warm inviting light our ancestors took for granted, we are forced to live unnatural harshness of LEDs. You now can enjoy the same light in your living room as you have in your corporate cubicle.
Renewing oil independence or slashing federal bloat might have a bigger, long-term impact for the country. But it’s the little things we feel on a day to day basis. Strong water pressure, a homey natural light — these are life’s little joys we always took for granted. Trump’s restoration won’t just make life more enjoyable, but serves as a rebuke to the petty bureaucrats who believe they have right to control our lives in the first place.
We hunted up on Hubble Hill, behind what used to be the Kass Inn. Back in the day, they catered to hunters and were sold out every opening week.

My Uncle knew Elbert Hull, and I met him when I was a teenager. He lived on Hubble Hill Road. Elbert was a farmer, a water witcher and logger. The HS kids did a project about his life before he passed. Elbert could tell my brother, and I did not believe in water witching, so he had us each "try his forked stick", which he said was a good one, and I'll be darned if it did not pull down hard where he told us water was passing underground. I never doubted anything Elbert told me after that.

Elbert pointed to some taller grass growing in the field. He said the cows won't eat it because they know radiation comes out of the ground there. My uncle had purchased Elbert's old sawmill to use as a hunting cabin, and Elbert cautioned him to never sleep in one of the rooms because radiation came out of the ground there. Years later we heard about Radon, and then we knew what Elbert had been telling us was.

When Elbert ran the sawmill (by himself, and I'm sure way before chainsaws) he told us he would cut down a tree, buck a log, then hook it up to his horse, who was trained. While Elbert cut the next tree or log, the horse would take the log down to the sawmill, back up to unhook the log, and return for the next log.

We also enjoyed going into town each year and seeing all the trophy mounts in the Margaretville Hardware store, including the famed Jackalope!

The world was a different place!
Kass Inn! A favorite of my parents for many years… especially for a fall motorcycle ride up Rte 28. When I was a kid I borrowed a T-Bird from work (Ford dealership) and took my girlfriend there for our dating anniversary.

We had access to quite a number of farms and always helped out when we could… For example, a ride to a tractor in a field miles from the barn. Unload a truck load of farm gates… many of those farms are now defunct and in some cases have a bunch of houses on them. The majority were dairy farms but we had to go by a pig farm near Walton that smelled so bad we held our breath going by. Yes, it was a different time.

I’m kind of surprised our paths hadn’t crossed in the past… maybe they did!
*Overlooked Line In Trump’s Energy Actions Could Instantly Improve Quality Of Life*

As Section 2(f) reads, “It is the policy of the United States . . . to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries.”

No more faucets that take 10-15 min to run dishwater, no more trying to get the dribble of water in the shower to rinse the soap out of your hair and eyes, no more crappy ccp washing machines that stink and have to be thrown out in 1-5 years. You will be able to take a dump and flush it away in one try. Wanna buy a gas stove? Go ahead! Does not help with the insco, but Fuds should not be a problem.

Overlooked Line In Trump’s Energy Actions Could Instantly Improve Quality Of Life​

Gage KlipperCommentary & Analysis WriteJanuary 21, 20254:31 PM ET

Immediately after being sworn in, Donald Trump got down to business signing dozens of executive orders. You’ll hear a lot about the decrees to pardon Jan 6. prisoners, slash the federal bureaucracy, and reverse the climate agenda, but one of the most noticeable changes likely won’t make the headlines.
Buried deep in the executive to “unleash American Energy” is a line about … lightbulbs and shower heads?!
As Section 2(f) reads, “It is the policy of the United States . . . to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries.”
You may not have noticed because the change occurred slowly and quietly. Maybe you moved into a new place in the last 10 years and just accepted the crappy shower pressure. Maybe the last time you went to the store, you just assumed they were out of incandescent bulbs; you’ll try again next time. But there would be no next time if the Green Mafia had its way. Taking away our everyday little joys and conveniences were part and parcel of the green agenda.
We all know about the war on gas stoves.
Less known is the 2013 rule by Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency that mandated shower head manufactures meet a low-flow standard. You’ll stand under a cool trickle of water and you’ll like it, pleb!
Equally galling is Department of Energy’s decades-long march to phase out incandescent lightbulbs, which finally took full effect in the final months of Biden administration. Instead of the warm inviting light our ancestors took for granted, we are forced to live unnatural harshness of LEDs. You now can enjoy the same light in your living room as you have in your corporate cubicle.
Renewing oil independence or slashing federal bloat might have a bigger, long-term impact for the country. But it’s the little things we feel on a day to day basis. Strong water pressure, a homey natural light — these are life’s little joys we always took for granted. Trump’s restoration won’t just make life more enjoyable, but serves as a rebuke to the petty bureaucrats who believe they have right to control our lives in the first place.
That's true, thank you for reminding me of that.

After the previous administration decided to outlaw has appliances, I went out and bought another gas stove and dryer. I know, I know, I'm paranoid, but I
I didn't know what was actually going to happen. I figured I was better safe than sorry and I had room to store them, so I bought them.

I haven't been happy with the quantity of water that dishwashers and washing machines use for about the past 7-8 years.
In 2017 (maybe it was 2018, I can't remember exactly) my favorite Whirlpool washing machine started leaking. The tub was cracked and not worth fixing. So I went out and bought a new washing machine. The new machine was a Maytag (someone later told me Whirlpool now owns them).
I think the MSRP was around $900, I bought it in full, paid cash.

The first things I noticed were all the added electronic features, washing cycles, and what seemed to be a relatively cheaply made machine, at least for $900.

Then the machine really started to make me mad. I would come in from the shop or some other outside job and throw my dirtied clothes in the washer. And I really hated it since that first load. It took it over an hour to do one load, compared to 30 minutes on the old machine. The dang thing would lock the lid, "a safety feature" . That made me mad because occasionally I forget things in my pockets and have to run down and take them out. And the machine was a pain in my *** to override the safety lock.

Then when I would take out my "clean clothes" it was still covered in dirt, grease and grime. This went on for a little bit and I decided to research it. I came to find out that the stupid thing was literally weighing my clothes to decide how much water to use. Yes, you read that right, it was weighing my clothes.
The only fix was to wash everything in the "heavy sheets" cycle. Even this didn't totally fix it, my clothes was never as clean. Problem was the drain holes on the tub were too small.
A friend of mine that's a firefighter has continually had the same problem.

I fiddle farted around with that dang machine for 2-3 months. I finally got fed up with it and sold it at a great loss after I found a better machine on Craigslist.

The machine I found on CL was an older Whirlpool like the one the Maytag replaced. I still have it and am very happy with it.
*Overlooked Line In Trump’s Energy Actions Could Instantly Improve Quality Of Life*

As Section 2(f) reads, “It is the policy of the United States . . . to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries.”

No more faucets that take 10-15 min to run dishwater, no more trying to get the dribble of water in the shower to rinse the soap out of your hair and eyes, no more crappy ccp washing machines that stink and have to be thrown out in 1-5 years. You will be able to take a dump and flush it away in one try. Wanna buy a gas stove? Go ahead! Does not help with the insco, but Fuds should not be a problem.

Overlooked Line In Trump’s Energy Actions Could Instantly Improve Quality Of Life​

Gage KlipperCommentary & Analysis WriteJanuary 21, 20254:31 PM ET

Immediately after being sworn in, Donald Trump got down to business signing dozens of executive orders. You’ll hear a lot about the decrees to pardon Jan 6. prisoners, slash the federal bureaucracy, and reverse the climate agenda, but one of the most noticeable changes likely won’t make the headlines.
Buried deep in the executive to “unleash American Energy” is a line about … lightbulbs and shower heads?!
As Section 2(f) reads, “It is the policy of the United States . . . to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries.”
You may not have noticed because the change occurred slowly and quietly. Maybe you moved into a new place in the last 10 years and just accepted the crappy shower pressure. Maybe the last time you went to the store, you just assumed they were out of incandescent bulbs; you’ll try again next time. But there would be no next time if the Green Mafia had its way. Taking away our everyday little joys and conveniences were part and parcel of the green agenda.
We all know about the war on gas stoves.
Less known is the 2013 rule by Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency that mandated shower head manufactures meet a low-flow standard. You’ll stand under a cool trickle of water and you’ll like it, pleb!
Equally galling is Department of Energy’s decades-long march to phase out incandescent lightbulbs, which finally took full effect in the final months of Biden administration. Instead of the warm inviting light our ancestors took for granted, we are forced to live unnatural harshness of LEDs. You now can enjoy the same light in your living room as you have in your corporate cubicle.
Renewing oil independence or slashing federal bloat might have a bigger, long-term impact for the country. But it’s the little things we feel on a day to day basis. Strong water pressure, a homey natural light — these are life’s little joys we always took for granted. Trump’s restoration won’t just make life more enjoyable, but serves as a rebuke to the petty bureaucrats who believe they have right to control our lives in the first place.
Can't say I mind not being able to find incandescent bulbs, with few exceptions. Haven't found an led that works consistently in the freezer, or oven outside of that every light in the house is led. Between my wife and kids it's not uncommon to come home to an empty house and every flipping light is on. When we switched over to led bulbs the electric bill was $35-40 cheaper. You can get the led in whatever color you want, so I don't understand the complaint about bright white lights. The fixture above my kitchen table puts out the same dull yellow light with the led bulbs that it did with the normal bulbs. Just uses way less power doing it. Filimant doesn't look quite right, but thay doesn't bother me much anymore.
That's true, thank you for reminding me of that.

After the previous administration decided to outlaw has appliances, I went out and bought another gas stove and dryer. I know, I know, I'm paranoid, but I
I didn't know what was actually going to happen. I figured I was better safe than sorry and I had room to store them, so I bought them.

I haven't been happy with the quantity of water that dishwashers and washing machines use for about the past 7-8 years.
In 2017 (maybe it was 2018, I can't remember exactly) my favorite Whirlpool washing machine started leaking. The tub was cracked and not worth fixing. So I went out and bought a new washing machine. The new machine was a Maytag (someone later told me Whirlpool now owns them).
I think the MSRP was around $900, I bought it in full, paid cash.

The first things I noticed were all the added electronic features, washing cycles, and what seemed to be a relatively cheaply made machine, at least for $900.

Then the machine really started to make me mad. I would come in from the shop or some other outside job and throw my dirtied clothes in the washer. And I really hated it since that first load. It took it over an hour to do one load, compared to 30 minutes on the old machine. The dang thing would lock the lid, "a safety feature" . That made me mad because occasionally I forget things in my pockets and have to run down and take them out. And the machine was a pain in my *** to override the safety lock.

Then when I would take out my "clean clothes" it was still covered in dirt, grease and grime. This went on for a little bit and I decided to research it. I came to find out that the stupid thing was literally weighing my clothes to decide how much water to use. Yes, you read that right, it was weighing my clothes.
The only fix was to wash everything in the "heavy sheets" cycle. Even this didn't totally fix it, my clothes was never as clean. Problem was the drain holes on the tub were too small.
A friend of mine that's a firefighter has continually had the same problem.

I fiddle farted around with that dang machine for 2-3 months. I finally got fed up with it and sold it at a great loss after I found a better machine on Craigslist.

The machine I found on CL was an older Whirlpool like the one the Maytag replaced. I still have it and am very happy with it.
For years and years we used a Kenmore 90A washer. It was great, but every now and then it would break the agitator pawls, or eat a bra. Transmission went out on it eventually and it just wasn't worth fixing. I hate the new washer. Still has a half hearted agitator in it, but you need to clean everything on "heavy duty" so it fill the tub with water. Cleans the clothes well, but takes forever to get there. Heck the old dryer is usually done before the washer now. Wasn't ever like that with the old Kenmore 90A.
For years and years we used a Kenmore 90A washer. It was great, but every now and then it would break the agitator pawls, or eat a bra. Transmission went out on it eventually and it just wasn't worth fixing. I hate the new washer. Still has a half hearted agitator in it, but you need to clean everything on "heavy duty" so it fill the tub with water. Cleans the clothes well, but takes forever to get there. Heck the old dryer is usually done before the washer now. Wasn't ever like that with the old Kenmore 90A.
Ah, good old Kenmore appliances. They don't make stuff like they used to! Our washer, dryer and stove are all basic white Kenmore appliances purchased at the local Sears before it went out of business. I am dreading the day that parts go on them that cannot be replaced. Would my wife prefer the look of modern stainless steel or black appliances? Probably, but she also hears from her friends often enough how their appliance that they only bought a few years ago has broken down and there is nothing the manufacturer or retailer will do. Last year our microwave which cost around $400 crapped out after only 3 years of use, not repairable we were told. Now we are rocking a Panasonic from the 80's that was out at her parents cottage. This beast is clad in faux wood panels like the station wagons from the 80's, could fit a whole turkey if you were so inclined, and cooks in half the time of the "fancy" one we had. Did I mention it is over 30 years old and still kicking?
My current gas stove is a like new 1994 GE.
I also bought that from Craigslist. I think I paid $100 for it.
The guy I bought it from claimed it was in the house when he bought it. He acted really weird when I was around him, very shifty and nervous. Didn't want to answer any personal questions. So I gave him the $100 and left with my stove.

Well, as the story goes I really bought it for parts, so I didn't really care of worked or not. But since the old one had quit and this one didn't have the part I needed, I decided I would try it.
After removing cobwebs and dust from the orifices I could get the stove to ignite, but not the oven.

Looking further, I found that at one point someone had tried to convert it to LPG but never finished it or adjusted it properly for LPG. I finished the conversion, with some help from a friend that a gas line tech. The stove has functioned flawlessly ever since.

It was after that that I concluded that the fellow who sold to me knew it wasn't working properly and probably thought he was selling me a pile of junk. That stove was the best $130 appliance I ever bought ($30 for the conversation kit from eBay).
Our washer, dryer and stove are all basic white Kenmore appliances purchased at the local Sears before it went out of business.
My dryer is a early Sears Kenmore. It doesn't match with my washer, but do you think I care? Heck no!
It's so much better than anything new I don't care.
Last year our microwave which cost around $400 crapped out after only 3 years of use, not repairable we were told. Now we are rocking a Panasonic from the 80's that was out at her parents cottage.
Mine went out last May. I looked on eBay and found a BRAND NEW 1994 Sharp. Yes, it still had the shrink wrap on it, 30 years old and never used.
I think I paid about $140 for directly from the auction. But the seller felt bad he took so long to get it shipped, so he sensed me back the shipping fee.
Unfortunately new are appliances are like underwear. Need changed out every once in a while. We have his and hers washer and dryers. Mine are both maytag and older than dirt. I think the Mrs is on her 3rd set since I got mine. :dumb2:
Our washer is making some crazy noises here lately, I suspect it will die soon. I had heard of speed queen before but never looked into them. They’re 2-3 times the price of the typical Home Depot crap. However the high end washer uses a 1hp motor. The box store crap you’re lucky if it’s a 1/3hp motor. I never thought I’d be considering a $1500 washer but I just might! Our set is maybe 7 years old.
Don't get me started on stoves. Ignore further gas, but the wife wanted electric and ceramic top. (Easy to clean.) Oir old coil electric srove of 20 years finally gave up the ghost. Oven control board fried, melting a few wires that went to the burner knobs. So off to lwes we go. $1500.00 later we have this stupid fancy new glass top atove with no knobs. Yep, it's easy to clean. But the stupid thing beeps all the time, the touch control doesn't pick up my fingers half the time and if you boil a pot over and hot water crosses some for imaginary line, the stupid thing shuts off. (After lots of beeping.) Did I mention it's easy to clean though? (Sarcasm added.) I hate it with a passion. I'll never get her pick out a stove thay doesn't have a fricken knob to operate. Oh yeah, the cats can turn it on when they jump up on it. The onky saving grace is its an Induction stove so nothing gets hot unless there's a magnetic pan on it. But it beeps and beeps, and beeps.......
Don't get me started on stoves. Ignore further gas, but the wife wanted electric and ceramic top. (Easy to clean.) Oir old coil electric srove of 20 years finally gave up the ghost. Oven control board fried, melting a few wires that went to the burner knobs. So off to lwes we go. $1500.00 later we have this stupid fancy new glass top atove with no knobs. Yep, it's easy to clean. But the stupid thing beeps all the time, the touch control doesn't pick up my fingers half the time and if you boil a pot over and hot water crosses some for imaginary line, the stupid thing shuts off. (After lots of beeping.) Did I mention it's easy to clean though? (Sarcasm added.) I hate it with a passion. I'll never get her pick out a stove thay doesn't have a fricken knob to operate. Oh yeah, the cats can turn it on when they jump up on it. The onky saving grace is its an Induction stove so nothing gets hot unless there's a magnetic pan on it. But it beeps and beeps, and beeps.......
I converted my wife to using a gas stove. She won't go back. Guess what we can do when the power goes out...cook.