Remote start is a godsend for freezing rain/snow storms. You can get some decent heat inside to usually defrost the frozen doors.Zogger said: mine was the single onliest vehicle to crank and run at like 30 below
you can be sure that any-thing that sits out overnite in -30F and starts right up... gets both my praise and attention. [especially if I was one of those needing a jump!]brrr-r.
I don't ever remember any -30F days or nights, while living in Washington state, but certainly many cold ones. one of the worst scenarios... was the freezing rains of winter in Seattle... back then auto door lock modules din't exist... just the old ignition key! and so the freezing rains would hit the car and settle down into the door lock... and then the fun began. all but impossible to get door open, and of course... you had some place to get to and was late... lol.... [not fun!]