No complaints about winter here 
I've been monkey'in with the MAC again. I am making progress but I don't last to long working in a 12* garage. Those metal tools are cold. I should be able to get the line replaced tomorrow and then start reassembly. Hopefully I get it done by the end of the week.
Where you at H, I'll be right over lol.Neighbor is having some select trees taken out of her woods (maybe 6 acres) along with a few black walnut trees in the yard and she just told me that I am free to take whatever is down. Looks like I'll be getting some deadfall and tops this year!They are leaving a heck of a mess between ruts, pushing over the smaller stuff, and scuffing up everything they drive near.
Hey WC.I've got one of those too! View attachment 479750
True. I was thinking about putting the question in the arborist section. Need knowledge about securing various implements for manual carrying.The tree climbers here probably know them the best. Must be a good book or set of vids out there.
Ya, I like tulip poplar a lot, got plenty of it here and is a dream to work up, start to stove, and real fast to season.
So guys I am switching too 40:1 since these old saws need it. No one sells containers with the 3.2 oz of oil for a 1 gallon mix well at least not that I can find. How are you guys that are running 40:1 measuring your oil?
With the new synthetic oils (car motor oil), warm up is not as important as it used to be. 1) The oil leaves a coating on the metal 2) It does not get as thick when cold as the old oils did.
I generally just give it about 10 seconds in all weather, just enough time for the oil pump to circulate to the whole engine.
Yes, that and fuel injection over carbs.
With that said, hands down absolutely the best starting old gas engines (nothing plugged in) I had anything to do with were slant sixes. Once staying at a lodge in maine and working construction (half loggers, half construction guys), mine was the single onliest vehicle to crank and run at like 30 below and I wound up jump starting almost every other vehicle there. It was a 62 valiant. Same thing in atlanta once when we had a rare way below zero day, 74 dart then,. jump started people on my block then over to my sisters condos.
My 15' Suburban takes some wacky viscosity, must have synthetic oil. Even if I buy everything from Walmart its $45 to change the oil.
And MN jacked up the license fees to be based on retail value again. (One of the few good things Ventura did was repeal that to a flat rate.). My tags are $650 per year. I'll probably buy used when the lease is up on this....just too expensive when this stuff adds in.
Hey WC.
Looks like you made sure your wood stove matched the cats bowls.
What make/model is that, how do you like it.
Thought it looked familiar, I have the pacific energy alderlea t5, love it.Those are the dog bowls and yes the wife is in charge of decor! The stove is a Pacific Energy Fusion. This is the 5th season with it and I've been very happy so far. We have a 3300 Sq ft split level house and that stove will heat the entire house as long as the outside temp stays above 10 degrees. We have a newer home so it's very tight and well insulated and the location of the stove combined with the openness of a split level made all the difference. We also have big south facing windows that help during sunny winter days.
I see what you did there JeffGu very funny, I can take it though as I dish it out regularly...Yeah... I figured you had a dog, what with those shiny stainless steel bowls and that big, plump dog treat lying in the middle of the rug...![]()