Selective Tree whacker
Need help. Talk me out of buying a 562xp. And go....
You don't want a 562xp because it's heavier than a 2260 (560)
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Need help. Talk me out of buying a 562xp. And go....
You shouldn't buy the 562 because you'd hate how it would bridge the gap between the 550 and 2186. Probably wouldn't like being able to leave a longer bar on the big saw. You'd hate using the screaming 550 for limbing and small stuff and you'd deplore how the torque of the 562 would chew through the larger stuff while only weighing about 2 lbs more. Matter of fact, that 562 with a 20" bar would probably make a nice felling saw. Then you could save the big guy for heavy bucking causing you to feel guilt over not showing the jonny all the love it deserves. Don't do it man!
see my sig line and you'll know my answer.Need help. Talk me out of buying a 562xp. And go....
I get down that way to buy stuff often. I bought my first log splitter at an organic farm first exit north of m-14 and I-23.I'm in western SE Michigan near Ann Arbor - pretty long haul from GR. Sure is nice to get firewood that never has to see a truck or trailer though - I like to think of it as "locally grown". Doesn't get any greener than that unless you cut it all zogger-style with a biodrive saw.
I'll try, but I may not be the best at this.Need help. Talk me out of buying a 562xp. And go....
or the real reason steve wants to spend some cash!! to give the 562 to chucker to break in or down in power so not to offend the 2186 jonny's power.... lol
I'll try, but I may not be the best at this.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because you would be like everyone else and have one of the baddest saws out there, I know you don't want to be like everyone else.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because you would have to clean the carbs on the other saws because they would sit to long.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because you would have to buy towels like SA to keep the dust off your other saws.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because it would ruin that great two saw plan you have going
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because FS wouldn't approve(wait this might be a why you should buy one, or two.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because FS will stop posting craigslist ads with bulky old stihls with aluminum cases that they don't make anymore.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because your neighbor only has a few locust to cut with it.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because your other neighbors like the trees on their property.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because the new prototype Husky saw will come out and be a piece of crap and all your friends will want to borrow it.
You shouldn't buy a 562xp because as soon as you do the new prototype will come out and be a great saw and you will regret buying it.
Final answer:
Because you probably already ordered one from spike since you couldn't find a good reason not to buy one![]()
You don't want a 562xp because it's heavier than a 2260 (560)
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No good deed shall go unpunishedDon''t.
There, my good deed for the day is done.
Oooooh, I forgot about that one.That's the one that's not available in the Husky model to the U.S. right?
What's this Husky prototype being mentioned? Please tell me something cool like a 90cc saw in a 70cc chassis.
There, my good deed for the day is done.
Oooooh, I forgot about that one.That's the one that's not available in the Husky model to the U.S. right?
What's this Husky prototype being mentioned? Please tell me something cool like a 90cc saw in a 70cc chassis.
Welcome to AS abner, and yes, except never with pine LOL.Hi, been enjoying reading from like minded scroungers. Has this ever happened to any of you? I was cutting some dead standing pine from a neighbor's land this weekend. This was the first time cutting since I got permission a few weeks back. As I was pulling off he pulled in from work. Being neighborly and appreciative of the free wood, I stopped to thank him and exchange small talk. He told me of a lady that had lots of pine cut up and only wanted $40 for it. (I have refused to ever pay for wood) So I politely said that I was working on several (scrounge) sites and I didn't need to buy right now. I volunteered too much info in telling him about a 36" blow down red oak I have been cutting on for several weekends and have probably 10 more trailer loads to go. That's when he said to let him know next time I go there in that he wants to get some red oak also. At first I thought oh no! That's MY wood. But then thought I ought to repay the favor in maybe dropping off some oak to him since I could cut probably 5-7 loads of pine off his land. (he doesn't burn pine). What do y'all think?
Tough one there.Hi, been enjoying reading from like minded scroungers. Has this ever happened to any of you? I was cutting some dead standing pine from a neighbor's land this weekend. This was the first time cutting since I got permission a few weeks back. As I was pulling off he pulled in from work. Being neighborly and appreciative of the free wood, I stopped to thank him and exchange small talk. He told me of a lady that had lots of pine cut up and only wanted $40 for it. (I have refused to ever pay for wood) So I politely said that I was working on several (scrounge) sites and I didn't need to buy right now. I volunteered too much info in telling him about a 36" blow down red oak I have been cutting on for several weekends and have probably 10 more trailer loads to go. That's when he said to let him know next time I go there in that he wants to get some red oak also. At first I thought oh no! That's MY wood. But then thought I ought to repay the favor in maybe dropping off some oak to him since I could cut probably 5-7 loads of pine off his land. (he doesn't burn pine). What do y'all think?
Hi, been enjoying reading from like minded scroungers. Has this ever happened to any of you? I was cutting some dead standing pine from a neighbor's land this weekend. This was the first time cutting since I got permission a few weeks back. As I was pulling off he pulled in from work. Being neighborly and appreciative of the free wood, I stopped to thank him and exchange small talk. He told me of a lady that had lots of pine cut up and only wanted $40 for it. (I have refused to ever pay for wood) So I politely said that I was working on several (scrounge) sites and I didn't need to buy right now. I volunteered too much info in telling him about a 36" blow down red oak I have been cutting on for several weekends and have probably 10 more trailer loads to go. That's when he said to let him know next time I go there in that he wants to get some red oak also. At first I thought oh no! That's MY wood. But then thought I ought to repay the favor in maybe dropping off some oak to him since I could cut probably 5-7 loads of pine off his land. (he doesn't burn pine). What do y'all think?
My biggest pike ever came out of a lake less than 1/2 mile square. Of course I fished it for years and never had landed a pike bigger than 26 inches so I was quite surprised. But if I had said I caught that and showed the stringers of walleyes and monster sunnies I caught people would be there in droves. Lake 3/4 mile away is well known for pike so I said I caught it there. Good luck lol.Abner's position is interesting and I would have to side with SVK on this.
I would be more than happy to bring him a load of red oak but that's it.
The only variable I can think of that would change my mind would be how common are red oaks there? If the area is flush with oak then it may not be an issue to take him along.
If it's like here where good hardwood is a premium and not too common.....yeah I'd keep my lips closed. I've seen some real dandies here when it comes to "free" accessible wood. Free is in quotes because 2x I have seen pickups and car hauler trailers cutting out of a loggers landing pile right off of the road. This is in the last week and a half on Sundays. Ain't that some sh!t.
And I also agree with SVK's fishing goto response is "An area lake." lol