Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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chipper, houses are pretty much complete other than site mechanical. This one was so big the roof is being site built. That would be a little 140 crane, we had to pick off the road and go over the hydro wires. They won't let me weld on it. I worked in Michigan for 6 years delivering and setting houses all over the State. I'm sure you've seen some of them.
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chipper, houses are pretty much complete other than site mechanical. This one was so big the roof is being site built. That would be a little 140 crane, we had to pick off the road and go over the hydro wires. They won't let me weld on it. I worked in Michigan for 6 years delivering and setting houses all over the State. I'm sure you've seen some of them.
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Right, wasn't sure if that other one was a standard modular or something built with just prefab such as SIP's.
That's still just a "little" crane, although that's all I've ever operated is the little 100' hydro's or the old school telescoping friction set ups.
Nothing that can handle that kind of weight at those angles. Couple yrs doing sign work and a couple delivering drywall, so you know what I've done.
I'll look on my phone and find out where some pictures are, they are from 4-5yrs ago so I don't want to scroll through thousands of pics right now one at a time:dizzy:

What are the hydro lines, speak in terms an american can handle:)? High voltage like 12-14,000, or low like 220.
Do you guys have to case(cover) them first, we do almost always with high voltage, but not low.
Got the 3 pth welded up and the blower back on. I only stacked 1 skid of ash, too much snow and too little ambition today.

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Holy penetration Batman, it looks like you soldered that thing.
I would be embarrassed to show the welds I just did on my plow brackets, but it was with a cheap stick welder and old wet rod:surprised3:
Man to have access to tools like that and you:).
Nice work.
Benp , yup , pferd , works great for me :)

Thanks Dan!!

I bought one of those stihl files a couple weeks ago. Haven't had the chance to use it yet.

Keep us posted on how you like it Steve.

I might look into one of these for curiosity's sake.

ETA - Aw poop. Reading the Pferd's description it says for full comp only. I imagine it would be the same for the Stihl correct?
SVK, how is the square filing coming???

Also, my "Stock" 044 is stronger now. Since you have run it I have advanced the timing and deleted the base gasket. It is hard to beat for a non ported saw!
No more practice since I rocked both of them....once I get them back from being ground I can practice again.
I think Spike60 offers, or tells you how, to do some modest tweaks to improve performance (sort of between stock and ported). Did you take advantage of any of that? Bob is a heck of a good guy, car guy too. The Summer NY GTG (2 yrs ago) concluded with beer & pizza, gave us a chance to talk, was good.
I think Spike60 offers, or tells you how, to do some modest tweaks to improve performance (sort of between stock and ported). Did you take advantage of any of that? Bob is a heck of a good guy, car guy too. The Summer NY GTG (2 yrs ago) concluded with beer & pizza, gave us a chance to talk, was good.
I haven't yet. There are some good threads on muffler mods for those models on here and I get the timing increase just need to tear them apart. Just was thinking if I was going to pay a pro they could do it all at once.
chipper1, the big house was a tear down lot so no power needed. Hydro jumpered off the lines so no power for that lot. 12,000 volt I think they said. This is a 400 ton crane in downtown Mississauga. Had to lift the 4 pieces over 130' high to clear the trees and drop it between them onto the foundation.
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Figure I better put some wood related pics in here for a change. Splitter in it's winter resting spot and 10 crates of dry ash with some poplar mixed in. And a bunch of ash and 32" poplar stored outside. I cover the top with scrap roof sealer. Seems to work pretty good.
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Nice, When I first saw the pictures I though that's not a "little" crane.
Probably the same crane they used for setting the windmills in the background of the second post.

Nice crates there. I may need to do something like that. Maybe on a gravity rack in the woodshed:).
The bottom of the crate is a 30" brick skid then I put 2x4's and a 2x6 in the middle so they work for 16" long splits too. Scrap twisted wood from work and temporary framing. They are about 48x48 x 30" wide. About all the wet wood my tractor will lift 2 high.
My son showed my grandson his next years toy. We bought the kitty cat when my son was about 3 or 4. When my 3 kids were done with it I put it in a wooden box and put it away in the barn. A few years ago my son fixed it all up so it's ready to go as soon as he is big enough to drive it. My son is 28 now so it's been there for awhile. He crawled all over it inside the box smiling like crazy. He's just like my son was at that age, anything with a motor and he was on it.
chipper1, same crates inside and outside.
This is one of the cranes that set the windmills in the pics. Operator said the ground was too soft to drive to the next setup site. Boss says I'll show you how to do it. 3 minutes later it was a $3 million scrap pile. Soft pocket of clay, lucky it was under both tracks and it fell right over backwards. No one was hurt, everyone moved away when the Boss got in the seat, everyone knew what was going to happen.
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